What I love about using Google Chrome as a browser is the way it makes browsing so efficient and easy.  There are so many very useful free Chrome extensions that you can add to your browser to have everything you need right at your finger tips. I installed a useful Chrome extension today called ‘Read&Write with Google Docs’. This is really designed for students, but I want to explore it and discover all its benefits.

What does Read&Write with Google Docs do?
This extension can only be used when Google Docs is actually open. It then becomes very useful because it can read the Google document to the students. Imagine how useful this could be to with dyslexia, learning disabilities, struggling readers, and English as a second language Learners.  I can also see a great use for this in a writing assignment when the student wants to review a piece of writing and hear what it sounds like.  However there are a number of other really useful features to this extension:

- Text To Speech with Dual Synchronized Highlighting.

- Talking Dictionary
- Picture Dictionary
- Vocabulary Tool

- Study Skills tools to capture highlights

A video from the creators of Read&Write for Google Docs
The creators of this extension have made a video that explains the extension and elaborates on all its amazing features.  Here it is:

Access Read&Write for Google Docs at the Chrome Web store 
You can access this extension on the Google Chrome web store here: http://goo.gl/JNc3o

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

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