The December 2012 issue of Equus, a magazine about horses, had a story called "Finding My Way" by Elizabeth Herman.  Bear with me... it'll make sense.

I've always said that training horses, training dogs and training (raising) children are really all the same.  Different incentives and types of discipline yes, but really the same in concept though.  And even beyond the training/raising phase... there's a striking social similarity to people.  So even though this article is about horses, it's still about people.

It begins with "I traveled to Arizona to learn more about horses and along the way made some important discoveries about myself."  It then follows her adventure as she works with some horses and relates her experiences to her life.
  • Lesson One – Preconceived notions – what “I know” (and often what I fear) – prevent me from seeing what is happening in front of me right now.
  • Lesson Two – I judge myself and others too harshly… I must first connect with and honor myself.
  • Lesson Three – Communication is a two-way street, and I need to give it time to work.
  • Lesson Four – You can’t listen when you’re talking. Express yourself – then give your partner time to respond. Let him show you how much emphasis you need.
  • Lesson Five – (paraphrased to make sense out of context) You need to have a vision and you can create action towards this vision by inspiring others. Others will seek and follow your calm focused energy.
  • Lesson Six – (again paraphrased here) Your passionate energetic drive to see results from doing it your way will sometimes work out. Other times the best means to your end is to set that that energy aside and work it out.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Finding My Path Updated at : 1:12 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

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