This last week of pregnancy is just really giving it to me.  Since last Monday's appointment, I have been struggling every day with my sore bum.

I just couldn't take it anymore yesterday, so I scheduled a last minute appointment at my OBGYN.  I met with a midwife at around 11:30 AM and she confirmed the severity of those painful, protruding veins.  As some other doctors have been saying, they know the baby is going to be big (now they're estimating 10 lbs).  I told the midwife how concerned I was about pushing and how much worse that would make the hemorrhoids.  She shared in my concern, stating that if I am birthing a large baby I'm going to need to push hard.  If I have any anxieties surrounding pushing hard because of the hemorrhoids, I could potentially go through a natural delivery for nothing - causing me to have a c-section anyhow, and then I've really hurt myself.   The thing with hemorrhoids is that they never go away.  They can recede back up inside your colon, but sometimes they don't depending on how severe they are.

But, it gets better.

This will for SURE be Charles!
On top of the fact that I went in because of my sort butt, my blood pressure was also slightly elevated (in the 130s).  That's not really a bad reading on average, but for me it is.  Pre-pregnancy by BP was on the low end (in the 90s) and during pregnancy it's hovered between the 100s, never going above 120.  The midwife was concerned I could be suffering from preeclampsia so she sent me to the hospital.  She also told me to be prepared to deliver the baby that day, especially if they found I was starting to have early signs of it.

Needless to say, I was in total shock when I left the doctor's office.  I knew my blood pressure was steadily rising as I drove home to grab Joel.  I was so nervous - I could've had a baby later that day!  Of course, I didn't have my hospital bag packed (totally procrastinating on this), so I just grabbed a change of clothes, the camera and we were off.  Once they got me checked in, my blood pressure had risen into the 140s - no surprise there!  I was so nervous and scared - mainly because of the increased blood pressure, and less because of the impending delivery.

They monitored me for a few hours and also drew blood.  It turned out I did not have preeclampsia (thank you JESUS!), but I did have a urinary tract infection and didn't even know it.  They attributed the higher BP to the pain I'm dealing with because of the hemorrhoids.  I was also experiencing contractions while I was there (didn't even know it!), and they said they suspected I was contracting because of the UTI - I guess those infections can cause that.

Now, I was told when I left my doctor's office not to eat or drink anything else from now until they're done with me at the hospital.  So once my test results came back, I asked the nurse if I could finally have a drink of water because I was parched and so hot!  She said I could while I waited for the doctor to come and discharge me.  I knew I wanted to talk c-section for Monday's induction, so I anxiously awaited the doctor's arrival.  Well, the doctor had just gotten out of surgery so they sent a midwife.  I explained to her why I was there in the first place and she was completely fine with me having a c-section, but she had to go clear it with the doctor.  Dr. Andre came in and she talked to me about my entire situation and agreed it was the best approach.  I had never met Dr. Andre before, but I did like her and she said she would be performing my surgery on Monday morning at 7:30 AM!

Yesterday was quite a day, needless to say.  However, I am so happy and relieved to know I won't be making my sore bum any worse and it can hopefully start to heal once the little lady makes an appearance.  Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today is My Due Date! Updated at : 5:36 AM
Saturday, June 22, 2013

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