Cheers Bitches and suck it!!  Yeah that’s right…

I said that, and you know?

While I haven’t said that in quite awhile, after Jayman happily graciously bringing some things to my attention on the air yesterday during our IWS Radio Manabration broadcast, I should say that more often.

During our opening witty banter yesterday, Jayman pointed out to me that during our nearly three years on the air, a number of things have transpired in my life that are less than pleasant, and promulgate the theory that a metaphoric cloud does indeed hang above my head.

Since the inception of our radio show on August 29, 2010 Jayman noted that the following things have happened in my life…

My brother John died.

I was laid off for awhile.

Schmoop underwent a traumatic medical scare and subsequent major surgery that put her out of commission, unemployed, and in the dumps for several months.

Drive-By Mikey, the Beer Mine owner and my boss, lost his dad and his Mother-in-Law.

My brother Vince died.

Annnnnd as Jayman laughingly soberly pointed out…Schmoop and I had broken up and reunited 114 times.

What the hell?  Why do these things always happen to me?  These people dying, laying me off, and rebuking my undying love, are beginning to piss me off, damn it!!

It makes me realize that there isn’t a mere cloud that hangs above my head; it’s a super cell thunderstorm pregnant with the rain of ruination, lachrymose lightning strikes, and hailstones of heartache.  It’s a sad, sad situation, my friends.

I met the new year, this year, 2013 with hope as I knew that this is the Year of the Snake.  I mentioned back in February on our radio show that since I was born in the Year of the Snake, this was going to be MY YEAR.

I went on to state that especially this summer, the one that is but days away, was going to be the Summer of Matt, and guess what?

Last night I was writing about what I plan to do and/or accomplish during the Summer of Matt, but guess what happened at 11:34 PM yesterday.

I fricking assidently deleted the damn essay!!  Ha!!  Of course I did!!  Why wouldn’t I?

It’s very understandable why I did delete it.  My fingers slipped on the keyboard as the super cell thunderstorm above my head was raining ruination down upon me.

So last night after that unforeseen, yet totally expected incident in my life, I shut down the computer, took God’s name in vain, ate a most excellent hoagie, and then went to bed.

Sometimes I think I should just give up, but Jayman pointed out something to me yesterday during his listing of my maladies, that gives me hope.

He reminded me that summer doesn’t officially begin until this coming Friday, so it may very well still be the Summer of Matt.

I am going to cling to that shred of hope like grim death, well…

Until I wake up Friday morning, slip on the hailstones dropping from the metaphoric storm over my head, trip over the coffee table, and break my coccyx.

Uuch…I need to buy a metaphoric umbrella.

But in the meantime, I, as you should do as well, will listen to our IWS Radio Manabration show that aired yesterday.  It was good stuff, and you can catch all the hilarity right here:


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Posted by: Tukiyooo The EAS Warning Tone is the Soundtrack of My Life Updated at : 6:19 AM
Monday, June 17, 2013

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