I went to the doctor on Monday and was "checked" for progress.  As of then I was 2 cm dilated!  I was so surprised - I fully expected her to say, "Nope, all closed up and no signs of progress".  I guess I assumed this based on my sister's and mom's experience of being well overdue.  I was so pleased to see that my body is actually responding.  This time the doctor confirmed that the baby's head is in position and has dropped into the birth canal.  She also checked for the size of my birth canal, to see how much of a candidate I could be to deliver a large baby naturally.  The doctor said I had a nice size birth canal and so it was still possible to deliver her vaginally.  Still, they would monitor the baby closely so that she wouldn't get stuck there if she has broad shoulders, causing her to suffocate.  Lord, I pray we don't get to that point.

I left the appointment feeling good, until I got home and used the bathroom.  Holy cow!  I was bleeding like I had a period.  At first I thought it was my dreadful, dreadful hemorrhoids acting up, which have unfortunately made a last minute, painful appearance once again this week.  I called the doctor's office back and they reassured me that was totally normal.   They said it should taper off in the next 24 hours and turn to brown.  It did do that, but it scared me.  I've already been checked twice early in the third trimester (due to complaints of pain and cramping), and the bleeding never occurred then.   But today I've been in the clear!

While I am due this Saturday, I am scheduled to be induced on Monday, June 24, unless she comes on her own between now and then.  Part of me really hopes she does decide to make an appearance before Monday.  Sleeping has been incredibly difficult during these last few weeks, not surprisingly.  However, the hemorrhoids have become the WORST yet again!  I pretty much sit on ice all day long and they are still throbbing.  I know I'm painting such a glorious picture here, but pregnancy is not all sunshine and roses for everyone!   If I am able to deliver her vaginally, I am very concerned about how my hemms will respond to the pushing.  From my understanding, most women don't get hemms until after they've delivered.  I got them late in the second trimester and have battled them off and on ever since.  I really don't want to bring home a new baby and have an aching butt, much less the other aches that will be happening.  Time will tell!

For now, I'm trying very hard to take this one day at a time.  A lot could happen between now and Monday!  I'm incredibly nervous for the labor and delivery process.  My parents are arriving this weekend, so I will have my mom here with me for l&d along with Joel's mom.  Still, I'm trying hard to just take it one day at a time, and focus on trying to get these hemms under control.   It's funny how a few days ago I felt like I couldn't feel any worse, due to lack of sleep.  Man, was I wrong!

I wonder how they'll feel if I ask for the epidural after the first contraction? haha

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Still Pregnant! Updated at : 6:35 PM
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

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