I follow a lot of blogs, just a few follow mine.  Most of the blogs I read are not things that I can even begin to comment on, so I'm a lurker I guess you'd say.  I read them for many reasons - fascination, understanding, humor, good information, commiseration, validation of my own feelings, etc.  And with a few of you, actual friendship!

I don't like seeing posts hidden.  I don't like seeing entire blogs disappear.  Yet I totally understand why you must do it.

So I'm wondering...   Being new to blogland, I don't know what the protocol for this is.  Someone I'm closer to, someone I'm regularly engaging with, that would make sense for me to ask to be let in.  But what about somebody who doesn't know me from any other crazy nut of a reporter?

I've been a fly on their wall, lurking around unnoticed, the door slammed shut (by necessity), and now this fly wants to get in.  But who in their right mind would open a door to a fly? Have the houses been leveled or are they under an invisibility cloak?  Is it appropriate for this fly to knock on the door?  And how do I find the door to knock on?

I'm really sad it's come to this for so many of you.  This fly misses you already.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Private blogs and protocol Updated at : 8:25 AM
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

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