It's been a rough last few days around these parts.  Just when I felt like this pregnancy thing wasn't so bad afterall, something else comes up that knocks me off of my feet.

I hope that I can one day look back and laugh at how upset I am about this issue, but right now it's the only thing on my mind:  I've got hemorrhoids.

It was late on Wednesday while I was getting ready to go to bed that my butt started hurting.  I've had the hemms in the past so I knew what it was about, and I also knew they were highly likely during/after pregnancy.  I went to bed in a lot of pain - so much so that I could hardly fall asleep and awoke about an hour afterward in need of Tylenol.  They hurt so bad they were inducing a headache!  I've never had them THAT badly.

Well, I got up the next day and went into work.  I immediately switched out my usual desk chair for a more comfy one, hoping that would help ease the soreness.  No such luck.  I shared the story with a coworker and she fabricated an ice pack for me to sit on - it was glorious and really helped me to get through the rest of the work day.  That night I went to bed with far less pain.

Still, when I awoke on Friday, I just knew that I should try to get to the doctor if possible.  The standard over-the-counter meds weren't helping much.  Fortunately my OBGYN was able to fit me in with a 1 PM appointment.  The midwife told me she had never seen hemms quite that badly in a pregnant lady, and that even women who've already delivered don't typically get them that bad.  Great.  After consulting with the doctor, they both agreed that I should go see a gastroenterologist ASAP for a second opinion on them.  The OB sent me away with 2 prescriptions to help in the meantime, and an order of one week's worth of bedrest.  That's right, I'm pregnant and on bedrest - but not for the typical reasons!

I am set to see the doctor on Wednesday, and I'm actually looking forward to it.  My main concern is that they will get worse between now and June.  Also, I am worried about what might happen after the delivery, especially if I do deliver naturally.  I would imagine they would get worse, and if so, then what?  I know that people sometimes have to have surgery on them, and who wants to have surgery on their bottom after they've just delivered a baby?  That does not seem ideal!

My doctor insisted that the hemms are a complete result of the weight of my uterus on my colon, but I cannot help but wonder if they are due to me being overweight in general.  I mentioned having them before, and according to my doctor at that time, it was most likely due to my male-like habits at sitting on the toilet for 20 min at a time reading!  (It's because your butt muscles are "at attention" when you're sitting on the toilet.  Sit too long and the muscles get aggravated, hence causing the hemms).  

I've thought a lot about how being overweight has affected the pregnancy.  In general, I don't think it has much, with the exception of buying maternity clothes.  Despite the number on the scale, my vitals have always pointed toward a perfectly healthy individual - excellent blood pressure, excellent blood work, strong heart rate, etc.  I think I owe a lot of that to my previously active lifestyle.

However, when it comes to something like this, that I know can also be as a result of being overweight, I cannot help but wonder if it would've been different had I not been so heavy and pregnant.  It's hard to say.  I know many other women who are my age and are pregnant right now, who are not overweight, and who are experiencing some of the same issues I've had (such as hip pain when sleeping) and the hemms.  Still, I'm sure age is also on my side, and I know that once this baby makes her debut, I cannot wait to start the journey at removing the weight.

Pregnancy is a hard enough physical journey as it is - there is no sense in adding anymore unnecessary baggage, if you get my drift!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Minor Health Issues Updated at : 2:47 PM
Monday, April 1, 2013

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