Matt coughs…Jay laughs…You, roll your eyes.

Matt:  Redneckville, Arkansas!!  You‘re On!!
Jay:  That sounded nothing like Larry King.
Matt:  I was doing my Vanna White.
Jay:  Oh…well then…that was pretty good.
Matt:  Thank you.
Jay:  You’re very welcome.

Matt:  Sooooo…what should this Sunday’s show be about?
Jay:  What?  Do you not have a calendar in the Bagwine digs?  Easter!!
Matt:  Ohhhhhh, right, right, right, riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Jay:  I mean, c’mon dude, we have to help the Christ move that stone so we can get our Jesus Freak on.
Matt:  Yeah, after all, the Number One Comedy Show on BTR should weigh in on this.
Jay:  You’re damn right…People hang on our every word and look to us as their life force.
Matt:  True Dat.
Jay and Matt:  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha…

Matt:  Plenty of funny stuff to talk about in reference to Easter and the Resurrection.
Jay:  Oh hell yeah…and tic tic tic tic
Matt:  What the hell was that?
Jay:  The Easter Bunny sound.
Matt:  Ha Ha----(cough cough cough)
Jay:  You gonna make it there, Marlboro Man?
Matt:  Ha…(cough) I thinks so (cough).  How is it that you always say something funny when I am inhaling?
Jay:  It’s a gift.

Matt:  Excellent…Anyhoo…We could have an interview with the Easter Bunny.
Jay:  Oh hell yeah…Guy Ahnyurdyck can do that.
Matt:  We could talk about Jesus being left alone in a cave for three days, and what he did.
Jay:  I have a feeling it wasn't pretty…or righteous.  And…And…
Matt:  What!?
Jay:  I bet Joshua has something to report on the Gay Marriage brou ha ha.
Matt:  Oh I bet he does and Paul Piatt will probably have a reflective Easter poem.

Jay:  Man, is two hours enough, because we need to take calls and place calls as well.
Matt:  IKR?  ‘Cause we have to call my son, Billy the Kid, and my future ex-wife.
Jay:  Not only that, we’ll have some uplifting Easter music, and perhaps a dramatic Tumblr reading.
Matt:  Ha!!
Jay:  What?

Matt:  Speaking of Tumblr, I have an excellent Easter related Dana joke.
Jay:  What is it?
Matt:  dfghgoiighsdfhigosihgosihdfohdgohdfgohdgfhodgjijbvdjvbpdjapdjbdjpdjpdafjp[j !!
Jay and Matt: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Jay:  That’s awesome dude!! Especially when you said sdjfutheyd  Nothing like making fun of one of the Borgia sisters.

Matt:  I think there’s plenty here, but…
Jay:  But hell we’ll think of some more Easter and news related jocularity as well.
Matt:  Damn right, because we’re Number One.
Jay:  In the hearts and minds of all who listen………
Matt and Jay:  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Matt:  See you on the radio Sunday while drinking a Steel Reserve that I gave up for Lent.
Jay:  And I’ll see you on the radio drinking a Pepsi that I didn't give up for Lent!!
Matt:  Later…
Jay:  (burp)

To listen to IWS Radio’s Christ’s Coming Out Party LIVE this Sunday from Noon-2 PM, click HERE.

Hope to see a good congregation in the Chat Room and on the phone lines.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Matt Said Jay Said 661.BIG.WULB Updated at : 9:00 PM
Friday, March 29, 2013

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