Below is one of my new favorite preacher videos.

Readers, I introduce you to Mr. Larry Smith, traveling evangelist, sole proprietor of the "Larry Smith World-Wide Ministries".

By "world wide", I think Larry means "KJV churches mostly in northwest Indiana, and small churches like those where Ergun Caner now preaches".

In the clip below, from Larry's January 20th sermon at First Baptist Hammond, Larry yells at, and attempts to humiliate some man who is apparently talking in the audience. Watch this. It is classic. Notice the fake smile, and his inability to ignore the talker. And his sarcastic "Love you"  - and a pronouncement to the talker that "you reap what you sow". I guess in Larry's bible Galatians 6:7 reads, "Do not be deceived. Larry the Evangelist is not mocked. You will reap what you sow." This will make you laugh, then it will make your skin crawl.

You can't tell it from the brief snippet, but this is from Larry's classic sheep-beating tithing sermon that he regularly preaches, entitled "Does Your Wallet Have a Hole In It?" [sadly, I've heard a few SBC pastors preach about God poking holes in your purse] posted at his website. Larry tells people point-blank that the tithe is a debt they owe, they need to tithe on all Christmas gifts received to avoid God's curse on their finances, and real Christians will develop a payback plan to pay God for any income or gifts on which they have not tithed in the past.

Larry might think he is "world-wide"....I think in this video he shows he is more "world-class" - as in world-class horse's patoot.

Although he does tell the young man "I hope to God you're not a Hyles-Anderson student; I hope God not".

Amen, Larry, I hope not either. And if he is, I hope your little tantrum caused him to wake up and get out of Dodge.

H/T:  Stuff Fundies Like
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Sunday, March 3, 2013

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