• I love this reflection from Azhar Youssef, an EFL teacher in Egypt who is so passionate and excited. This is what MOOCs are all about - connecting the world and finding the best wherever they are. Hat tip to my friend Lee Graham of #diffimooc who let me know about Azhar's work. This is her introduction video that she used for the Mooc work. I think that all teachers in the near future, are going to need to have an introduction video. Like a resume, you'll need it to use to introduce yourself when you participate in elearning projects. Do you have an intro flyer or video? Isn't it time? I love her smore flyer. (via Azhar's Reflections: Twitter in a new dress!)

    tags: teaching flatclass news mooc edreform highered all_teachers

  • According to this article “Science is starting to show that there is a very strong integration between social and emotional skills and learning,” said Vicki Zakrzewski, education director of the Greater Good Science Center at U.C. Berkeley, which studies the psychology, sociology and neuroscience of well-being during a recent Forum radio show. “Some scientists believe that cognitive achievement is 50 percent of the equation and social and emotional skills are the other 50 percent.” This links back to using a program like the Classroom Habitudes (by Angela Maiers) program that I'm using in my classroom. Emotional intelligence is IMPORTANT. Talking about persistence, imagination, creativity, self awareness - these are all important parts of being able to learn. As Angela says, " we start with our to be list before we ever give students a 'to do' list."

    tags: teaching empathy habitudes eq tumblr

  • I love this reflection from a teacher using the Flat Classroom 15 challenges as part of her coursework and studying the book Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds. I love how the teacher reflects on learning and what it means to be in a network of learning. Look at the conclusions the teacher draws while comparing learning to other students. This is the kind of learning we need to do! I left this comment: "I Love it! "I am sold." Well, I'm here, and I wrote the book. Here's another benefit of what you're doing. By sharing openly, you connect with others around the same topic. One tip. I use Google reader and if you use it, you can go into settings and create a "bundle" and share it with others so they can subscribe to the same feeds too! ;-) Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for mentioning the name of the book so I could find you and respond. I subscribe to a google blog search for the words "Flattening Classrooms" and everyone who blogs using those terms is sent into my RSS reader. Then, I checked Mr. Reader and was able to see what you're doing. This is "brand management" which is a third use of RSS as we talk about in the book! "

    tags: news flatclass flatclassroom pln teaching

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Teach This! Teaching with lesson plans and ideas that rock 01/31/2013 Updated at : 11:30 AM
Thursday, January 31, 2013

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