I really love this book and the things I'm learning.  I hope that someone out there is reaping some benefits from my reflections, but if not - I most definitely am!

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.

Chapter 3: Getting a Plan

1. What thoughts, images, or emotions do you associate with the word plan?  Are you the kind of person who says, "I love it when a plan comes together!" or are you more likely to say, "Plan-schamn, can't we all just go with the flow?"

I do love a good plan.  I do.  Like when we go on vacation, I drive Joel crazy with my Frommer's guide books.  I enjoy having some direction from day to day, especially when on a vacation.

However, when it comes to planning anything related to healthy eating, I cringe at the thought of planning.  Lately, planning for me means something else I'm going to fail at.  It takes a lot of work to plan a variety of meals for each week.  Additionally, it takes a few minutes (yes, just minutes) each night to plan out my menu for the next day.  I'd rather be doing other things instead of pre-tracking my Points.  Other than the time devotion to pre-tracking, I think what I enjoy about not pre-tracking is the surprise of what I might get to eat from day-to-day.  I track as I go.  A lot of good this has done for me!

2. Are there areas of your life in which having a plan works well for you?  For example, in your finances, for vacation trips, accomplishing daily tasks, reaching professional goals, reading through the Bible in a year.  In these areas of your life, does having a plan feel empowering or restrictive?  Do your feelings change when the plan is about food, what you will eat and not eat?

As I said above, I thrive with plans in certain aspects of my life.  I need that structure.  I need something that I can compare my current status against to know how/if I'm reaching my goals, whether that be with money savings, daily to-do lists, how far along I am in nursing school, etc.  For the most part, having a plan in areas of my life is very empowering for me.  I feel in control.  Though I have to admit, sometimes I feel like a slave to my plan.  I wish I could be more spontaneous at times.  But then again, I choose spontaneity with food and that gets me NO WHERE.  Reading that part of the question felt so good by the way.  I often wonder how I can get it together with almost every other area of my life but not with food.  I feel like I am the only person who struggles with justifying my meal choices (i.e. choosing Chick Fil A over eating my nicely portioned out, PointsPlus friendly packed lunch).  Or I feel alone with not being able to gain control over food.  I think this is because a lot of the blogs I read for inspiration are people who have already accomplished most, if not all, of their weight loss goals.  Then I think, "Well obviously they knew how to resist temptation or restrict themselves from certain foods/cravings, but I just don't have that ability."

3. "My changing body revealed all my secrets...Poor choices with food will rat me out every time".  What is the relationship between food and secrets?  What secrets do you think your body reveals?

I think the relationship between food and secrets is that there are no secrets!  If you continue to feed your body that 6 pack of fresh, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, it's eventually going to catch up with you somewhere on your body.  I am a 240 lbs female.  I am this weight for a reason, and that reason is not because I binge on lettuce!  I don't think it's any secret that I have an issue with food because I think generally speaking, overweight people are overweight because we don't know how to eat properly.  Yes, there are exceptions to every rule.  But, the fact of the matter is, I have a badonka-donk the size that I do because of my poor eating choices!

4. Choosing a healthy eating plan that works for you may require research, experimentation, and consultation with your doctor or other health care professionals.  How does the prospect of doing these things make you feel?  Does it energize you and help you to feel equipped or does it overwhelm you and make you feel discouraged?

I wish I could undo all my poor eating habits related to Weight Watchers and start with a clean slate.  For instance, because I don't like many vegetables, I rarely get in the daily required amount from WW.  A lot of times I forget there is even a required amount!  Why?  I've ignored it for so long it's as though I've developed "Hilary's Modified WW Plan".

I've been working on going back through my WW materials and re-reading everything, trying to undo the poor habits I've acquired over the years.  The only feeling I have about this right now is exhaustion from constantly "starting over".

5. Lysa described her food plan but emphasized the importance of choosing a healthy plan that works for you.  What words or phrases would you use to describe the kind of plan you think would be realistic for you over the long term?  On a scale of one to ten, how hopeful are you that you can find a realistic food plan, one that you can grow to love just as Lysa grew to love her food plan?

I'm confident that WW is the plan for me.  I truly believe this am.  I don't think WW is my issue here.  I think I am my issue here!  I want a plan that is flexible enough to satisfy my picky eating but easy enough to understand and follow.  I also want a plan that gives me the ability to do the cooking, rather than subscribing to pre-made meals.  WW is definitely all of that.  The problem is not WW.  The problem is centered around my relationship with food and how I idolize it.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Made to Crave - Ch 3 Reflections Updated at : 12:35 PM
Thursday, August 30, 2012

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