Its been a while since I last posted. But don’t think that means I was slacking off! Nope, I buckled down and I’m proud of what I accomplished in the month of July.

Lets recap those goals I set!

1. workout 5 days/week – I didn’t quite make this goal. The week of July 23rd I got the stomach bug and was out of commission for 2 days & then we went to Chicago for 3 days and I only worked out once that week. BUT…the other 2 1/2  weeks I was right on track got in my workout 5 days/week!

2. attend every WW meeting – Check! This was a piece of cake for me…or should I say a piece of fruit! Winking smile Went to every meeting last month!

3. Try 2 new recipes – Check! I tried two new recipes from emilybites.com {LOVE her blog!} – Cheesy Taco Pasta & Bubble Up Enchilada {with black beans}. Yes I’ve had Bubble Up enchiladas many a time, but never with black beans, so I’m counting that!

4. weigh 167 by 7.31.12 {lose 9 lbs}Didn’t quite hit this goal, but I am SO proud to say that I did make it to 168.6 by the end of the month, so excited to say goodbye to those 170s. I know that losing 9 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks was a lofty goal. I feel that I pushed myself and I’m proud of those 7.4lbs!Pinned Image(source: pinterest)

Remember my ultimate goal from my “Updates” post a few weeks ago? I want to be 150lbs by November 1st. So if you crunch the numbers from where I’m at now, that’s 13 weeks to lose 18.6lbs, average of 1.43lbs/week. Totally doable!

I'm going to continue to push myself.

Until this last week I was just estimating my daily intake in my head(points/calories), but Sunday I started tracking EVERYTHING {app on my blackberry} and I can tell what a difference it’s made! Just goes to show tracking is key!

Lastly, but certainly not least, I have to thank you guys for kind words and sweet comments on my post requesting your support! This blog world is an amazing tool & I’m so thankful for all of you!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo July Goals Recap Updated at : 12:47 PM
Thursday, August 2, 2012

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