So today was my first full day of non-Olympics stuff. I had a meeting in the morning. I had to eat a quick lunch at noon, but couldn't watch any live swimming because I had more meetings in the afternoon. Then in the evening I attended a barbeque and didn't get back till 9. So I really had to put the kibosh on Internet viewing all day since I didn't want to find out what had happened.

So here's the first pro-NBC column you'll see this week: I was glad that all the events were tape-delayed. They didn't spoil anything for me when the evening program started, I got to watch everything I wanted to watch (including just one set of men's volleyball - what was up with that?!), and I didn't have anything spoiled. Now I could have done that had NBC aired them live on TV and I had DVRed it. But for what I'm dealing with right now and the tape-delay, I'll be okay with that.

I did end up watching everything I would have normally watched had I had a work-at-home day, but at a faster pace. The water polo match between Great Britain and the US took me all of two minutes because I fast-forwarded through and kept track of the score. It was such a blowout anyway there wasn't a need to worry.

My roundup today: track cycling (something new!), doubles and singles in whitewater, rowing of all lengths, volleyball, beach volleyball, gymnastics, swimming, and water polo. Track cycling was a lot of fun - though I was shocked that one of the races was merely a quick two-lap sprint - barely enough time to get to top speed, if it was me out there! I would love to be in that Velodrome though.

Congrats to Gabby Douglas for winning all-around gold in women's gymnastics! She kept her performances solid, and her difficulty level (and her vault) propelled her away from Victoria Komova (and her three-step landing in the vault) of Russia. Good work.

Tyler Clary also took gold in the 200 backstroke, which was so cool to watch. In that last 50 meters he just dominated Ryan Lochte. It's always nice to see a fresh face appear out of nowhere. In the last 5 Olympics, five different Americans have won the 200 back gold!

As of right now, we are ahead of China in the medal count and tied in the gold medal count. C'mon, America, keep it up!!!

And I am soooooooo excited for tomorrow. After seven days of swimming, TRACK AND FIELD finally starts! Swimming is great and all, but track and field always holds a special place in my heart, since that was something I actually competed in when I was in high school. I pray the bad weather holds off and we can get a few days straight of perfect weather.

Okay, I gotta get to bed. Enjoy the track, folks!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo DVR is a Busy Person's Best Friend Updated at : 10:53 PM
Thursday, August 2, 2012

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