Wednesday night I had the evening to myself.  Such a rare occurrence in my life, especially through the work week.  When Joel and I first started dating, I hated nights like that.  I loved trying to "maximize" the time between us.  However, lately I have an all new appreciation for this precious alone time.  For me, it means getting to focus on myself and what I want to do and when.  I don't have anyone else to cater to or think about - I just do what I want and when I want to do it.  This is when it dawned on me the importance of how maintaining focus will aid in my weight loss.

Take last night for example.  I had a clear plan of attack and I executed it beautifully.  As soon as I got home from work, I hurried off to my WW meeting.  After the meeting, I came home and immediately got to work on prepping dinner.  Dinner was a really quick chili cheese dog (turkey hot dog, turkey chili, and reduced fat mozzarella) and a side of spicy vegetables.  Immediately after eating, I quickly cleaned up the kitchen, packed my lunch for the next day, and I was free to enjoy the rest of the evening to do whatever I pleased.  Normally, my evening does not operate this smoothly and efficiently.

The key for me in last night's dinner escapade is that I was able to maintain focus on one thing.  I wasn't trying to cook dinner, while simultaneously worrying/doing 12 other things.  I'm not wishing I was a single person at all, but how much easier can life be without distractions (I'm sure the mom's can especially relate to this!)?  I am capable of multi-tasking, but I don't prefer it.  I prefer focusing on one task at a time and doing it well.

Often times, especially when Joel is home, I don't feel like going to the trouble of making dinner because I feel pulled in so many directions.  I want to spend time with him, and so I'd rather just take a quick route and order out.  I also want to be able to have time to do other things (like catching up on other blogs, writing my own, reading, etc), and the more time I spend cooking, the more time that is taken away from doing those other extracurriculars.

Still, how amazing it felt last night after I was done with dinner in a flash and was easily able to prep my lunch for the next day.  This night reminded me that my health is extremely important to me right now.  Losing weight is extremely important to me right now.  I cannot continue to let life's other distractions keep me from getting to where I want to be.  I cannot constantly be consumed with focusing on others needs (or what I perceive to be their needs) and ignore what Hilary really needs.  I want to be able to have a night like last night every night.  I come home, tackle dinner, prep my meals for the next day (setting myself up for success!) and proceed with life.  I got more accomplished last night in the time I spent alone than I ever do on a typical weeknight.  It was astounding actually.  I truly believe this happened because I had all night to focus on me and what I wanted to do - not what I thought Joel wanted me to do or thinks I should be doing (even if he doesn't).

Do you have a hard time staying focused on your weight loss journey?  What things do you let get in the way of your success?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Changing Things Up: Maintaining Focus Updated at : 5:30 AM
Friday, May 11, 2012

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