Sometimes I just don't have anything to say, and last week was one of those times.  Part of this is because I've been in a weight loss slump.  When I'm not losing, then it's hard to find the inspiration to write something substantial.  I know what needs to change, I just need to do it and stop saying I'm going to do it.

Back in January, I wrote about Weight Watchers' Winning Outcomes helpful habit.  Here are some things I've stuck to:
  • Meal planning two weeks at a time: for me this simply means carving out meal options for two full weeks - not actually tracking them and such.  That part I still need to work on.  However, I did plan out my day today and that feels like a huge relief!  I know I could have easily "blown it" today if I had not pre-tracked my day, overestimating how much I would have left for dinner. In fact I would have had next to nothing had I brought my usual snacks.  Must. Continue. Pre-tracking.
  • Two days of weekly activity.  I've stuck to this with no problem - it was easily doable for me.  Now I've added in one extra day per week.  More about that later!
  • Eating out only one meal per week.  No Starbucks Mon-Fri.  This was going well for me right off the bat.  I know applying this rule (along with the others mentioned above) had significant impacts on my weight loss... and the success I was having just a few weeks ago.  Then the Terrible Awful happened.  Then things quickly went downhill.  This rule is going back into effect...effective immediately!  While I have eaten 2 meals out this weekend - ok, fine, what's done is done - the rest of the week will be meals prepared by myself or Joel AT HOME.    

Now that I've gotten that all off of my chest....

One way to combat my failed attempts at eating healthy lately has been to step up my exercise each week.  I'm trying to keep it varied, so as not to get bored.  While I'll still be utilizing the gym, I also found a new activity that I've been enjoying so far.  It's called The Wave.  You might have heard of this from an infomercial.  I actually read about it in All You's recent issue of their health magazine.  They touted The Wave and The Bender Ball as being some of the most effective at-home workouts available.  I've used The Wave three times so far, and all three times I've been very sore afterward, which means it must be working!

I will be doing a full review of The Wave in an upcoming post.  In case you're curious though, I purchased mine from Amazon.  The Wave is an arched platform that you use in conjunction with several workout DVD's. 

If it gives me variety and isn't overly complicated, then I'll do it.  So far so good!

Have you heard of The Wave?  Have you tried it?  What at-home workout do you like the best?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Refocusing - Winning Outcomes Updated at : 6:41 AM
Monday, March 26, 2012

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