There are a number of things that I believe contributed to my amazing loss this week.

What Worked This Week:
1. Decreasing my DPT from 39 to 38.  I've been at a 39 Daily PointsPlus Target for several weeks now.  I wanted to switch things up to see what decreasing it by 1 PointsPlus would do.  Turns out it did a lot!  Though I know this wasn't the only contributing factor, and I'll explain more.

2. Plenty of fruit.  The bulk of my snacks this week were of the fruit kind: strawberries and blueberries.  I've heard some meeting members in the past say that if they eat too much fruit, they either don't lose or they gain. For someone whose sweet tooth is the size of my head, eating fruit in place of chocolate or some other snack that is on the sugary side was a much better alternative.  Not to mention the fact that it was filling AND 0 PointsPlus!  And, let's be honest, I did not get to 263.8 lbs by overeating fruit!

3. Filling Breakfasts.  This week I had another oatmeal breakfast. If I give myself a delicious and filling breakfast, it really sets the tone for the rest of my day {most of the time}.  I find I am less ravenous throughout the day.  Oatmeal in and of itself is filling, but add some dried apricots, dried blueberries, and a little splash of milk and it's right on par.  I tried this oatmeal from my Weight Watchers cookbook called Baked Fruit Cinnamon Oatmeal {7 PointsPlus}.  So good!

4. Meeting Weekly Activity Goal.  Again, this week I got in both days of activity.  That definitely helped me drop the weight!

5. Not Eating All of My DPT.  There were 3 days this week that I didn't eat all of my 38 PointsPlus.  I didn't do this on purpose, it was just because I was busy and food was not on my mind.  What does that tell you? I typically eat because I'm bored and it gives me something to do.  This week I was busy with school, among other things, and thinking about food wasn't at the forefront.

6. Allowing One "Indulgent Meal" Per Week.  I've been living by this rule since the start of the new year.  I allow myself one meal each week where I can eat whatever I want.  Yes, I still count it {even if it puts me in the red for the Weekly PointsPlus}, but I enjoy it without guilt.  I don't feel deprived and when I find myself craving an indulgent meal {which for me, this just means going out to eat and consuming whatever I want}, I remind myself that I can have it next week for my "indulgent meal".

the ceiling fan at a pizza shop where last week's indulgent meal was consumed!

Upcoming Challenges This Week:
  • Super Bowl Sunday.  We are going to a party on Sunday afternoon.  I'm making some food for it, but it's not really PointsPlus friendly food {I don't intend on eating it either, it's just what I was asked to bring}. So, having said that, I do plan to make at least one more dish that is WW friendly, which will most likely be these.

 Weigh In Results:
   Hilary (5'8")
Starting Weight: 263.8
Current Weight: 235.9

This week I lost 5.1 lbs!  AND I met two goals!!!!!!!  I reached another 5 lbs goal AND I reached my first 10% goal as well. This means I get two charms and one other reward.  This is what I'm getting:

1. The Jewelry Organizer.  I have an endless supply of necklaces and earrings that are a constant tangled mess.  Not to mention that Charles likes to use my earrings as his toys!  This gem is coming from the Etsy store Jewelry Holders for You.

2. Charms.  I've already chosen the one charm I am getting for sure, and it's in honor of my beloved alma mater:
Sold on Ebay by Bedazzling Beads.
I'm going this evening to pick out my other charm.  Sorry Pandora, but I am not going with you this time on the charm selection.  These beauties are on my Chamilia wishlist {I'm only getting one}:

I've also updated my progress pics, which, I honestly cannot say that I see much of a difference in those pictures just yet.  The most I can see is with my face.  The first set of pictures were taken at an odd angle, and I'm trying to be consistent with the angle now so it more accurately shows the losses.  But that's okay, I can FEEL the difference that 27.9 lbs removed makes.... and it's a lot!

What is working for you this week? 

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Weigh In Results & What Worked This Week Updated at : 12:15 PM
Friday, February 3, 2012

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