The pace at which the geo political and strategic landscape in the MIDDLE EASTERN region is changing is simply astonishing and at times beyond logic. Thus it comes as no surprise that every mainstream media outlet as well as alternative media sources around the globe speculate on the outcome as well as to the “why”? Thus RUSSIA’S alleged shift of its stance on SYRIA comes as somewhat of a surprise. But then also does the fact that ISRAEL supports a regime change in SYRIA. (see http://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2012/01/syrias-destiny-sealed.html )
According to mainstream media RUSSIA apparently has changed its attitude towards SYRIA by distancing itself from the ASSAD Regime. Other media outlets though report that RUSSIA had just inked a deal with SYRIA selling a considerable amount of fighter jets to SYRIA!

TURKEY’S official stance regarding IRAN is that of hostility but just a few days ago TURKEY announced publicly that it would not adhere to any sanctions against IRAN'S nuclear program unless they were imposed by the UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL. So where does that leave TURKEY, pro or contra IRAN?  As of recent, TURKEY’S foreign policies have caused a bit of an uproar among the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, thus making its geo political agenda behind these havoc moves hard to analyze. On the one hand TURKEY strongly oppose IRAN and subsequently SYRIA, but on the other hand it supports INDIA to bypass EU and US sanctions on IRAN by supporting INDIA to bypass the sanctions, for INDIA announced that it would circumvent EU and US sanctions on IRANIAN oil by buying IRANIAN oil with gold. The transactions will allegedly be conducted by two state-owned banks: the CALCUTTA-based UCO Bank, whose board of directors is made up of INDIAN government and Reserve Bank of INDIA representatives; and HALK BANKASI (Peoples Bank), TURKEY'S seventh largest bank which is owned by the government.

These are just a few examples on how the MIDDLE EAST chess game is picking up pace as well as surprise moves, which still leaves us with the question as to why? Here are some hypotheses:


Is the MIDDLE EASTERN turmoil really about dollar dominance and private central banking? Was the LIBYAN “intervention” because LIBYA wanted to set up a private gold currency in AFRICA?
Was the idea to create a new currency among AFRICAN and MUSLIM nations to purchase oil and other resources something that provoked the echelons of WESTERN powers because it meant that the dollar would de facto lose its “value”? Such move would definitely shift the economic balance of the world. Establishing a banking system in AFRICA and the MIDDLE EAST, based on ISLAMIC doctrines would create outrage among WESTERN FINANCE POWER jugglers for ISLAM as a faith does not allow to borrow-sell money with interest. Such doctrine would surly cause havoc among the casino finance system currently ruling the markets.

Thus the creation of a Muslim finance cartel and the Islamic GOLD DINAR is something the ANGLO AMERICAN finance cartel wants to make sure does not occur for it would jeopardize their power and influence significantly, especially since the GOLD DINAR currency would be based on large quantities of gold, where as WESTERN currencies are “based on digital numbers” without physical value backing! It appears that there is no "mainstream" currency in the world that is backed by metals, either silver or gold. Less than 150 years ago money was considered to be gold or silver, in other words worth real value.
Recent past has shown that oil producing countries that tired to implement oil trade in other currencies then the dollar faced severe “punishment” from the ANGLOSPHERE oil and finance cartel. Now we read that INDIA is planning to pay for Iranian oil with gold and rumors have it that CHINA will follow suit.
(See http://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2012/01/circumvention.html)

The question is if the ANGLOSPHERE oil and finance cartel really intends to defend dollar dominance at all cost. Looking at the current currency war with EUROPE one might come to the conclusion that they do so indeed. Aside from the currency war with EUROPE one should not forget that the world remains dollar driven and the dollar remains a source of WESTERN power, not to mention that the dollar is still referred to as the worlds “RESERVE CURRENCY”.
SAUDI ARABIA, a key ally of the USA and UNITED KINGDOM, refuses to sell their oil for anything other than dollars.

On subject matter, Anthony Wile from the Daily Bell writes:

The arrangement is perhaps a convincing argument, by the way, against peak oil theories. What are the chances that SAUDI ARABIA just happens to be the ANGLOSPHERE'S biggest producer of oil in the MIDDLE EAST and also the WEST'S strongest ally?
Isn't it more reasonable to conclude that WESTERN powers-that-be have RESTRICTED oil discovery and production around the world? Famously, according to a statement by one of the FORBES brothers last year, there is enough oil in the mainland UNITED STATES to furnish energy for the next 1,000 years. That doesn't even include natural gas (which is still flared off) and coal.
(See also: http://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2012/01/deceiving-tactics.html under the headline: Are claims that crude oil resources are diminishing legitimate or a deliberate lie?)

The world is likely drowning in energy. The scarcities that people fear are generated by the power elite's dominant social themes– the fear-based promotions that are intended to frighten people into giving up power and wealth to globalist facilities such as the UN, IMF and WORLD BANK

In view of these facts here are 3 possible scenarios as to why the current “Strategic Chess Game” in the MIDDLE EAST and NORTH AFRICA is such a decisive one.


Looking at the current developments on could argue the entire sabre-rattling is about strategic resources and military-intelligence advantages over RUSSIA and CHINA. The idea, that we are once again face a cold war scenario where the WEST is repositioning itself both defensively and offensively to gain maximum flexibility and power over potential adversaries is imminent. This would also explain the sudden shift of US strategic interests in ASIA.


Bank institutions or “Banksters”, who run much of the WEST’S military industry, intend to “seize” public central banks in order to replace them with private ones, as is the case with the FEDERAL RESERVE in the USA. These private monetary institutions fear that citizen led governments print their own paper money.
This fear seems imminent, for GERMANY announced that will begin to abolish cash transactions step by step from August 2012, putting the EU directive 2009/110/EC (PDF) into practice. (See http://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2012/01/total-control.html)


The Crescent Arc is a theory which argues that the ANGLOSPHERE intends to spread the war on terror in the MIDDLE EAST and is actively aiding ISLAMIC regimes in order to create this war. While this may sound far-fetched to some, the various regimes that have been destabilized by so-called YOUTH MOVEMENTS (controlled it seems by the USA and BRITAIN) are all SECULAR, where as the replacement regimes are all ISLAMIC. This theory not only seems to apply for the MIDDLE EAST but can also be applied for BOSNIA. The details of which will be described in an article on subject matter on this blog in due course.


The ongoing geo-political turmoil in NORTHERN AFRICA, the MIDDLE EAST and IRAN are most likely sparked by the USA and its allies as part of a wider strategy aimed at gaining dominance in the region, in order to create a basis for future quests into ASIA and AFRICA, thereby gaining tactical advantage over its adversaries, the BRICS (BRAZIL, RUSSIA, INDIA, CHINA and SOUTH AFRICA) and other emerging economies, who also claim a slice of the “energy and geo strategic cake”. This coincides with US Asia-Pacific orientation and the need to have a foundation on AFRICAN soil, for the AFRICAN continent is about to become of increased eco – geo political importance for developed nations, a fact that many seemed to have ignored until recently, thus underestimating the potential the continent offers.

Parts of above article contain extracts from Anthony Wile's article “Truth About Middle East is Spreading” published via the Daily Bell.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo ORIENT AND OCCIDENT A THIN DIVIDING LINE Updated at : 7:52 AM
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

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