For the third time in almost six weeks I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to Fairbanks. Thanks Google for the free wi-fi at SeaTac.

This trip is going to be a hard one, but what I have to do is necessary. Ethically and morally I don't really have any other options. I can't go into details right now, but I'll post about it after it's all over.

58 days of tracking
I was inspired by Tony's post, Kim Kardashian 72 Day Trim Down. I have also needed to get back to tracking my food. Since my sister's stroke almost six weeks ago I haven't tracked a single day, not even one meal. I have a plan for this trip, I'm going to track all my food. It's the start of the Diana 58-day Trim Down plan. There are 58 days until 2012.

I would love to get to 160 by 2012. It sounds like a reasonable goal. Two months and 13 pounds. It's not a crazy number, although it is the holidays. Add in that there's going to be a lot of pressure on me the next few months. I guess that's why it's even more important than ever to really keep on top of what I'm eating and to keep up on the exercise. I could see myself easily gain a bunch of weight. Well, it's not going to happen if I can help it.

When I get back home I'll get back to using my BodyMedia. I haven't use it at all the last six weeks. I just didn't have time for such a luxury (ah...the good old days when all I had to worry about was the size of my pants). For now I'll just use a little notebook I carry in my purse and track my food and exercise.

Luckily my room is a suite this time at the Westmark (my favorite Fairbanks hotel). I'll have a microwave and fridge so I can heat up a few things in my room and not eat out for every meal. That will not only save money, but save calories too. I'm really sick of eating out.

Well, it's time to head on over to my gate. Boarding is in ten minutes. I hope to have time in Fairbanks to read a few blogs and actually comment. I miss you guys!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Leaving on a jet plane...again and again and again Updated at : 1:08 PM
Thursday, November 3, 2011

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