That there is currently a reshuffling of the geopolitical landscape is nothing new. The question is where does all this lead to? 


Let start in Europe. The current financial crisis in Europe some say is a monetary war between Anglo American establishment and the Europeans. If this is the case the current Rating Agencies hype makes sense for most of them are US Agencies and since we are living in a period where every move of our life is rated it is a easy task for corporate and politically motivated media to conduct a “PSY OPS” style propaganda where everyone seems to think the world is going to collapse because one of rating agency threatens to downgrade a country. Thus the Anglo American axis seems to have the upper hand in the monetary war against Europe. 

Another way of looking at it is that Europe’s current crisis is just a natural cycle that was bound to happen since Europe has prospered for more than 60 years and thus has reached its zenith; therefore it is only natural that a decline is imminent. Some even argue that a war in Europe is unavoidable and as a result of which the economy would once again kick start, political echelons of the European Union Powerhouse would shuffle new cards, as a subsequent of which Europe would enter another cycle of prosperity. 

The prospect of war in Europe is not such a farfetched scenario if one looks deeper into Europe’s history and how multi cultural diversity triggered armed conflicts in the past.
Last but not least there are the conspiracy theorists who view the current crisis in Europe as something triggered deliberately in order to justify a “new world order” in which Europe is part of one sovereign entity, one government and one monetary control body.


The euphoria bubble surrounding the Arab Spring has burst and brought back the harsh reality to its people. Only the naive ones truly believed that with the Arab Spring, true democracy would hold a triumphant victory march into Arab society. Instead we are back at square one. Egypt has and will not see significant changes, not now nor after the elections. Egypt will continue to be governed by an autocratic government. As for the rest of the “Arab Spring” countries, mainstream media naively continue to report that “Moderate” Islamic governments are about to take over and thus democracy is destined to take over in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Well keep on dreaming. 


The situation in Syria on the other hand is becoming increasingly complex and hard to analyze, because of a full out “PSY OPS” style covert operation by foreign entities, starting from the UK, USA and THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES. Monitoring main stream media such as BBC, CNN and the rest of corporate print media, one cannot avoid detecting certain PSY OPS tactics. First of all most of main stream media unquestioningly convey statements given by the Syrian Opposition in the UK and other countries as given fact. Furthermore many mainstream media outlets claim to have obtained information from opposition groups in Syria via cell phone and internet.

People how lived or visited Syria, know how rigorously mobile phone services and the internet are monitored and controlled by the Assad clan and their security services. Thus it seems rather unlikely that information obtained from the opposition via cell phones and internet social networks are genuine. 

In most likelihood these feedbacks are part of a PSY OPS strategy in order to destabilize the situation. One must not forget that SAUDIA ARABIA and TURKY seem to have a very strong geo- strategically interest in SYRIA and thus are eager to tumble the government.

Mainstream media also neglects to provide in-depth analysis as to why suddenly THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES is so desperate to sanction SYRIA. THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES was formed by eight ARAB states, all of whom are governed by ROYAL FAMILIES, BAHRAIN, JORDAN, KUWAIT, MOROCCO, OMAN, QATAR, SAUDI ARABIA and the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES and all of whom are predominantly SUNNI MUSLIMS, (including Turkey) and NATO allies, whereas SYRIA is ruled by the ASSAD clan which are ALAWITES and foster close ties to RUSSIA and IRAN which is predominantly SHIITE. Thus it becomes imminent why suddenly THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES is increasing its pressure on SYRIA. 

Geo-Strategically RUSSIA needs to support SYRIA in order to keep its only “foot in the water” in the MEDITERRANEAN SEA with its naval base in TARTUS. A regime change in DAMASCUS would oust RUSSIA and IRANIAN navies from the sea, thus eliminating the only friendly docking facilities.

As I have mentioned in previous articles in this blog, toppling the current regime will turn the region into utmost chaos and civil war, something ISRAEL and the USA can’t afford to risk.


The USA, despite its debt crisis, is always on the quest for new geo strategic advantages and thus does not hesitate to change its geo-political tactics. It therefore does not come as a surprise that the USA currently is trying to gain a footstep in the door of the Pacific Rim. The latest activities being the increase of  number of troops in AUSTRALIA and closer ties with VIETNAM in order to gain more influence in the CHINESE sea which would take them at the doorsteps of CHINA.

Unfortunately RT is the only alternative video news resource on youtube that covers subjects mentioned in this blog,which makes this blog not as impartial as intended to be!!

Aside from the pacific quest the USA increasingly are trying to mend relations with certain LATIN AMERICAN countries such as ARGENTINA and BRAZIL in order to gain a share of their economic boom and to have a “foot in the doorstep” in the food supply chain. (Related article will be published on this block in due course).

The current geopolitical seismic shift the world is experiencing will bring about changes upon many generations to come, and for sure they are not for the better.  
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Posted by: Tukiyooo FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Geopolitics Updated at : 5:39 AM
Monday, November 28, 2011

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