Howdy friends! I wanted to give everyone an update! Tuesday I had my 6 week check up with my doctor. I had to wait until this appointment to start any type of exercise and…other things! Winking smile Anyway…she said that I was good to go with exercise, but just to listen to my body, which was my exact plan!

I had already researched and decided on using the couch to 5K plan. Click here to see the program I printed. Yep, I printed it! I’m putting it on my fridge and going to check each day off as I complete it!

Wednesday was day 1! I got my (new) running shorts on, grabbed my garmin, buckled Adelyn in our new (to us) jogging stroller, and we were off! Day 1 was a 5 minute power walk warm up and then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.DSC00481

I didn’t know what to expect, but I sure didn’t expect my rear to feel like it gained an extra 10 lbs!! Seesh!! I felt like I had a ba-donk-a-donk! I talked to a few other fellow new mama’s and happily found out it gets better! Thank goodness!

I found day 1 to be completely do-able and I’m looking forward to more runs with my baby girl!DSC00486

Speaking of Adelyn, check out what she thought of her first time in the bumbo! That toothless grin melts my heart every time!DSC00478

So the other part of this post baby plan is focusing on my eats as well. I think it would be hard not to with a fridge filled with all these fruits & veggies! Monday I cleaned, chopped, & packaged carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, grapes, cantaloupe, strawberries, pineapple, and watermelon!DSC00476

I’m hoping with adding exercise into my routine it boost the weight loss and help me tone! I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

Adios Smile

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Post Baby Update Updated at : 12:00 PM
Thursday, August 4, 2011

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