On 24 and 30 June I mentioned in my blog that the Syrian regime will most likely survive the upraising. We are now into the 6th month of uprising in SYRIA and the regime is still in power and will most probably stay, the reasons of which have been analyzed by mainstream media and basically reiterate what I have been stating in the first place.
The fear of total chaos and subsequent takeover by Islamic fundamentalists, after the tumble of the regime are simply too high. The close proximity to Israel and Lebanon are additional reasons the West is reluctant to intervene. It seems that the West has also learned its lesson with Iraq and thus will not want to do the same mistake with Syria.  
Thus the regime will stay in power, make one or two cosmetic concessions to calm the international community in order to obtain financial aid for its stagnating economy which is the only real threat that could tumble the regime.

Since Syria has always shared close relationships with Russia and China it will in most likelihood receive aid from these countries easier then Europe or the USA, who are too occupied solving their own financial crisis. In return Syria will purchase arms and at the same time increase its ties with Iran in order to counterbalance the threat from Saudi Arabia who has their own agenda regarding Syria. (See http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MD28Ak01.html )


Has the so called Arab Spring brought democracy to these countries? What changes have really been implemented by the new governments or interim authorities as is the case in Egypt? The longer the “revolution” is ongoing the less we read in mainstream media and the lesser are the chances that the Arab uprising is likely to succeed. 
Looking at the current situation it seems that no real changes have occurred to implement democratic systems. Thus the more time elapses, the more the upraise is losing its momentum it originally generated.    There is also the danger that with each month passing without the creation of a democratic government the chances of Islamic fundamentalist taking over are growing.      

It simply is amazing how manipulative US rating agencies are and the double standard they use when it comes to protect US interests. I have voiced my opinion about rating agencies in various articles on this blog. The question is why are the Big 3 US rating agencies not downgrading the USA in the wake of a looming default? The entire hype and influence rating agencies have over countries and international markets reflect the current state of mind financial as well economic wheelers and dealers have in an economic system which is becoming more and more like a casino monopoly game. What has become of society which bases their economy on speculation? ( economics are more complex then portrayed, but  I try to express the current situation in layman’s terms.)      

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Food for Thought Updated at : 9:40 AM
Thursday, August 4, 2011

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