Hi all! First of all, thank you for all the congrats & well wishes on Adelyn’s birth!! Second, I have to thank all my wonderful readers for sticking around over the past 9+ months while the focus of my blog switched from weight loss to weight gain (ie…pregnant!).

For those of you who are more interested in the weight loss, I’m happy to report I will be re-focusing the blog again to losing weight! I cannot guarantee though that Adelyn pictures will not pop up from time to time! Ok, ok probably pretty regular, but the main focus will be eats & exercise!DSC00236

Here’s where we get down to business and face the facts! My pregnancy weight gain was pretty minimal….for the first 20 weeks (less than 10lbs!). But the morning before Adelyn made her arrival (21 weeks later) I stepped on the scale at home and was up 55lbs total! Sheesh, I know! According to the dr office scale I gained 47 lbs, but I’m going to go by my home scale (which seems backwards since it’s heavier!) just because I’ll be using my home scale to weigh regularly. 40 weeks - 6.16.11

The week I came home from the hospital I was down 20lbs. DSC00074

This week I’m down another 14lbs, which means I have 21lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I wasn’t at my ultimate goal when I got pregnant, but at a nice healthy weight, so I’m setting that as my initial goal for now.

Right now the dr says no dieting and no vigorous exercise, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be smart with my food choices! Prior to this week I had been eating WHATEVER I wanted…all those yummy home cooked meals from our church friends, ice cream (to the max!), etc! Tuesday was “day 1” for my with making good choices with my eats.

Kyle and I made a trip to the grocery store and stocked up on fresh veggies & fruit, yogurt, healthy snacks, and lean proteins! So far these past few days I’ve been fairly proud of my choices, but boy oh boy, there are times I get the munchies!

As far as exercise I plan to get in at least 1 walk/day. I haven’t been doing a whole lot of walking these past 2+ weeks. I wanted to make sure I gave my body time to heal. I think I ready to slowly add some light activity back in now. I have to say I’m anxious to get back to running, but I want to start slow and see how things go! I plan to listen to my body & not push it too much.

And for documentation…here is where I am today! Gotta start somewhere, right?!?!DSC00255DSC00257

So there you have it, a little summary of my plan to be a fit mama!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Post Baby Plan Updated at : 10:51 AM
Saturday, July 9, 2011

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