Since we moved back to the Old Dominion, one of my goals has been to try to make friends. One of my other goals has been to start attending Weight Watchers meetings.

It's a sad but true fact blogger world - outside of work I am friend-less. Part of this is self-induced, and part of it is my lack of ability to find a good, quality friend outside of my office. Actually, most of it is self-induced. I hate living in this city - I want to leave it sooooooo badly! Therefore, I have never fully tried to put down roots here because I always anticipated leaving ASAP. Well, five years later and this train is still parked in the station and doesn't look like it's pulling out anytime soon... so really, let's stop delaying a fulfilling life just because of our living arrangement, and let's start changing something about it! Ugh... anyhow, I'm getting off track....

Uhh, so let's kill two birds with one stone, shall we? I thought, what better way to make some buddies than at Weight Watchers meetings? When I used to attend meetings previously, I made a friend who kept me wanting to go back each week. While she slowly quit attending the meetings, I kept going, but didn't have much to look forward to (the crew at the only meeting I was able to attend was a little nutty!). So eventually I left too, but I left the state, not just the meeting!

As I walked through the doors of the meeting center last night, I couldn't help but be excited. Seeing all of the Weight Watchers memorabilia surrounding me, and just the overall aura in the place was just the motivation I needed. The thing I enjoy most about meetings is that we're all here for the same reason - to lose weight. No matter our age, sex, goal-weight, whatever - losing weight is the commonality that binds us together, and I love that. I love when you can find a common ground with people no matter what your background.

I weighed in with our leader, Sharon, who was awesome from the get go. And while I was planning on attending meetings on Thursday nights, I'm going to stick to Wednesday's after all. There were a few young women in there, and it could not have worked out any better! I decided to stay after the meeting to get the face to face update on Points+, since I have been doing it strictly online since it's launch. When the meeting ended, a mother-daughter duo stayed after to discuss some challenges with Sharon. As they were leaving, Sharon informed me that Christina (the daughter) is her superstar member. She summoned Christina back in to the room to introduce us and it turns out that Christina has lost a total of 90 pounds so far! So awesome. So inspirational. Christina was friendly too, and was like "I come to this meeting time every week - I hope to see you next week." Perfect!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Living Life, Making Friends Updated at : 7:00 AM
Thursday, July 7, 2011

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