I'm not gonna lie - I love these surveys!  I thought it'd be a fun way for those of you who read my posts to get to know me a little better :).  Thanks to From Before to After: A Journey Through Weight Watchers and Spoonful of Me for posting this!

It's called the 11 Layers of Me:

LAYER ONE: On the Outside--

Full Name: Hilary Janelle
Birthday: April 4
School: 2006 graduate of Penn State University, enrolled for a second degree at College of Southern Maryland
Major: Management Information Systems (Penn State), Nursing (CSM)
Current Location: the Old Dominion (Virginia)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown/Blonde
Righty or Lefty: Right
Zodiac Sign: Aries

LAYER TWO: On the Inside

Your Heritage: German
Your Fears: Flying, Snakes, Heights
Weakness: Reese Peanut Butter Cups
Goal(s): To become a registered nurse in the near future, to hit my weight goal and maintain it for the rest of my life!
Relieve Stress: Reading, Boozin, Shopping

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow--

Your thoughts first waking up: Nooooooooo!
Your bedtime: 10 PM
Your most missed memory: having close-knit friends - I miss the college days of having all my friends close by...

LAYER FOUR: You’re picking--

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, but I do love me a diet Coke/cherry Coke split from Chick Fil A
McDonald's or Burger King: Mc donalds
Single or Group dates: Single
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither! Chai!


Do Drugs: No
Think you've been in love: Yes - am currently!
Want to get married: Yes
Believe in yourself: I try to

LAYER SIX: In the Past Month--

Drank alcohol: Yes
Gone to the mall: Yes.
Eaten Sushi: Yes
Gone skating: no
Colored your hair: No
Done something exciting: Yes

LAYER SEVEN: Have You Ever?--

Changed who you were to fit in: No
Hid something from someone: Yes

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Old--
Age you're hoping to get married: I cannot foresee a marriage happening at age 27, but I would like to be married by the time I am 29.
Age you're hoping to have children: ehhhhhh... I like being the cool aunt!
Want to travel to: Yes.

LAYER NINE: Perfect Mate--
Best Eye Color: Blue
Best Hair Color: Blonde/Brown (Joel, honey, whatever hair color you have)
Short or Long Hair: Shaved ;)

LAYER TEN: What were you doing--

5 MINUTES AGO: Working
1 HOUR AGO: Waiting in line at Starbucks
1 DAY AGO: Working
1 YEAR AGO: And most likely working

LAYER ELEVEN: Finish the Sentence--

I Love: God, Joel, my family, reading, traveling, shopping
I Feel: sore in my shoulders
I Hate: where I live (the area, not the actual condo)
I Hide: how insecure I am about my weight
I Miss: college and having a a few great friends
I Need: to figure out a way to keep taking classes for the fall semester even though my current school is not offering the classes I need online.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo A Getting to Know Me Survey - Ha! Updated at : 5:21 AM
Thursday, July 7, 2011

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