• Palestinians seem to try to alter history and mandates in order to claim self determination
  • International media, in most cases seems bias when reporting the Palestine – Israeli confli
  • In view of most fellow Arabs, Palestinians are notorious when it comes to land ownership for they    are never satisfied with what they have.
  • A typical example for land claim was 1969 when ARAFAT attempted to over through king HUSSEIN of JORDAN in order to create a PALESTINE state on JORDANIAN soil.


The PALESTINIANS, in past and presence have always managed to win the “PR war” over ISRAEL. They cleverly lured a vast majority of governments, politicians, intellectuals and mainstream public into believing that their claim for a souvenir state is legitimate and that ISRAEL is the evil power repressing them. Thus their proclaimed role of the “Victim” being victimized by ISRAEL has worked to their advantage.  If however one looks into history, one will see that their claim is out of context.                   
 Details on which are portrayed on these links: 


Their “victim” role has progressed to such extend over the last couple of years that international media happily jump on the “PR” train when it comes to voice the PALESTINIAN view regarding the PALESTINIAN ISRAELI conflict which can hardly described as impartial journalism.                                   

What no mains stream media ever reports are the opinion, citizens of other ARAB Nations, and tribes have of the PALESTINIANS. Ask for example SYRIAN, JORDANIAN or LEBANESE citizens,   and they will in most cases comment, that no Sunni ARAB tribe or nation really want PALESTINE Arabs in their country for PALESTINIAS are notorious when it comes to land ownership, for they never are satisfied with what they have. "Thus it’s better to let the ISRAELIS struggle with them instead of us." 

An Arab – Israeli citizen once mentioned that if you give the Palestinians the entire West banks they will sooner or later claim Tel Aviv and Haifa and then entire ISRAEL. Once that is accomplished, they will once again claim JORDAN, as ARAFAT did in 1969 when he attempted to overthrow King Hussein of JORDAN in order to create a PALESTINE state on JORDANIAN land.  


Whatever action ISRAEL takes regarding Palestine’s, Palestinian PR machinery always manages to use it to their advantage in order to portray ISRAEL as the aggressor and evil force.  On the other hand Mainstream media hardly ever report that ISRAEL supplies GAZA and the West Banks with Water and Energy free of charge. See: http://honestreporting.com/hr-comment-media-crossing-the-line/

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Posted by: Tukiyooo LICENSE TO STATEHOOD Updated at : 2:49 PM
Friday, July 8, 2011

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