The mission of the March of Dimes is simply stated:
"We help moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of babies."
Though the actual mission itself is nothing short of being simple.  I'm sure that you know someone who has had a miscarriage or has had a child born prematurely - I know several women who have been affected by this.  Participants in the walk on Sunday who have directly been affected by the issues mentioned above wore beads around their necks - purple beads signifying that their baby was born prematurely and had to fight for their life early on, and white beads signifying that their beloved child did not win the battle.  My heart went out to those people wearing the white beads - how tragic, how sad, how life shattering.  

Even though I'm 99.9% certain that none of my donors are reading this blog, I'd still like to let it be known how grateful I am for their generosity toward the March of Dimes-March for Babies walk that was held this past Sunday (May 1) in La Plata, MD.  I successfully raised $455, which was $255 over my goal!  THANK YOU!!!!!

I was pleasantly surprised to learn a few days before the walk that we would have two options for the race course.  We could either do the standard 5K (3.1 miles), or actually go ahead and do 5 miles.  I knew ahead of time I'd being doing 5 miles - there's no reason why I couldn't! 

I've also learned enough by now from the last two 5K's I've done that I wanted to position myself near the front.  When a race starts, it takes a few minutes to get your own momentum going because of the shear number of people clustered together.  And afterall, this was a noncompetitive walk, so there was no harm in me plopping myself within the first few feet of the start line.  It took me a few minutes to get around the slower people, but I finally did and was on my merry way.

The starting line

look how cute this team is with their pretty outfits!

There were about 7 people in front of me for a long time and then a few people started running and subsequently passed me.  Running was not an option for me Sunday due to the recent back pain I've been experiencing, and I definitely wanted to do the entire 5 miles - pain free if at all possible.  But I husseled in my 5 mile walk.  There was this one lady who ran ahead of me in the beginning.  I ultimately caught up with her and I wanted to finish in front of her.  That ended up being my little race goal - I wanted to beat this lady who had actually jogged for parts of the walk when I only walked the entire thing.  I was able to pass her with about 2 miles left! 

signs posted along the route to help you understand what your donated money goes toward..
As I was coming in to the final stretch, my right heel started hurting and I felt like I had a pebble in my shoe beneath the front of my foot.  Then I realized - crap!  I'm getting blisters!  I was shocked - these shoes are not brand new and I was wearing my typical cotton socks.  Sure enough, I developed an inch long blood blister (gross!) on my heel and 2 blisters started to form on my other foot.  Oh well - the exercise was well worth it!

I estimate I was in the top 20 of walkers at this point - I was actually passing a huge crowd of people on my way back as they were still on their way to finishing this part of the course.
It was on this leg of the course (pictured above), as I was personally feeling proud for staying ahead of this entire crowd (from a fitness standpoint), when I passed a lady who was walking by herself pushing an empty stroller.  My first thought was "Her child must have ran ahead to join the other dozens of children" and almost as soon as that thought ended I saw her white beads and I knew.  I knew that this woman was pushing the stroller of her child that did not win his/her battle for life.  This woman and I made eye contact, and I felt like she read my mind and the expression on my face as I pieced together what I was seeing, because she gave me a sympathetic nod and kept going.

That, folks, is why we walk for the March for Babies.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo March of Dimes - March for Babies 5K Updated at : 8:44 AM
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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