I recently started reading this Daily Devotional for Dieters.  What I like about this devotional is that it's short, sweet and to the point.  I also like the "Today's Thought".  I know that the only way this weight is going to come off once and for all is if I put my full faith in God.  Obviously relying on just myself and my own "know-it-all" mentality has gotten me no where, so really Hilary, let's try something different for a change. 

Today's thought was this: "The busier I keep myself, the thinner I get!"

I don't know about you, but I've definitely found myself eating on more than SEVERAL occasions simply out of boredom!  And I don't mean just grazing the food cabinets here and there.  I mean "Hey, I've got nothing goin' on - let's go out to lunch/dinner!".  (If Joel finds himself reading this particular post, I'm sure you would agree with me!) 

Courtesy of here.

This same idea rings true for me at work.  I don't often have a lot going on from day to day, and as a result, I find myself eating when I'm not really hungry.  It has not been an uncommon practice for me to have eaten nearly all of my PointsPlus values before I even leave work for the day!  Which then probably begs the question, "how is that even possible?"  I tend to bring probably WAY more snacks than what I really need to get me through the work day.  But that's another issue for another time :).

On the, sadly, more rare occasion that I do have a busy work day, I find that I can go almost until lunchtime before I've ever even taken a bite of food!  I wake up at 5 AM people - that's a LONG time without eating!  And this has happened to me before, not as often as the situation described above, but it has happened several times.  It's an amazing feeling to discover that "Hey - it's now 12 PM and I haven't eaten a single thing all day."  And, what has happened in the past, and not always but it has been known to happen, is that I will go hog wild and think that I can start shoveling food in my face to make up for the lack of eating in the morning.  Even if I'm not starving to begin with.  Even IF I was starving by noon, but ate a sensible lunch and felt satisfied - hey, I still have all those PointsPlus from the morning that I haven't yet consumed - I need to make up for it!  Nevermind the fact that I could actually listen to my body and ask myself "Are you actually still hungry? Do you need more fuel?"  This is why it's good for me to eat breakfast everyday, I'd venture to say, even if I'm NOT hungry.  That way foolishness doesn't take place later!

This is an inside joke, but still fitting.  Courtesy of here.
The bottom line is this - I don't like feeling 'hungry'... I don't like that uncomfortable, stomach rumbling feeling.  I panic at the mere thought of it.  Why?  Because I'm afraid what might happen if I'm struck with those hunger pains and I have no 'good' snack options around. Then I just might decide to say "screw it" and find the nearest fast food joint. 

Also, this very "thought" was what inspired me to sign up for so many 5K's.  It has given me something to focus on both leading up to the event and the day of the event.  It keeps me busy and it keeps me focused on the Goal. Otherwise, I'd be sitting in my bedroom on the weekends, most likely eating, wasting energy, and wrestling with the thoughts of: how much I hate living in this town, how much I wish that nursing school could be over and I could start working as an RN, how much I wish I could lose this weight, and how much I just want to find the perfect place to live, with the perfect house and yard and husband (aka Joel), etc etc etc.  You know, the American Dream.   

I hate long posts and I just exceeded my limit!  Share your thoughts with me...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Staying Busy... Updated at : 9:25 AM
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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