30 weeks - 4.12.11

How Far Along: 30 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby Bangert is the size of a head of cabbage, almost 3 pounds, and a tad over 15.7 inches long from head to heel.

Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans, pants, and I’ve recently started wearing a few shirts I got from my sister. I’m still squeezing into a few regular things though, like the brown tee in my picture this week!

Gender: It’s a girl!!! We’re still working on names…I sure hope we can get one picked out soon!

Movement: She is a busy little girl! I feel her moving around all throughout the day. I love it though…there is a tiny little life inside me!

Sleep: Eh, it’s been ok! I’m not the best side sleeper and I wake up on my back quite a bit. Plus a few bathroom runs!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, a bigger selection of clothes, and buying regular clothes (the maternity section needs to expand)!

Cravings: Lately it’s been Lucky Charms…not sure why! I am quickly finding out the bigger she gets the less I eat…I get full SO fast!

Symptoms: Really can’t complain! Feeling well for the most part, just stiff/achy & tired by the end of the the day.

Best Moment this week: It’s been a pretty laid back week, but a fun one! I was at a work conference out of town the end of last week and did a little shopping for Baby Bangert! I got this outfit and it was 1/2 price!! I love the ruffles on the back of the pants!DSC09877

Friday was my friend, Sarah’s, baby shower. She is 3 weeks ahead of me and expecting a boy! We couldn’t resist a belly picture together! They live not too far from us and we joke that our kids will have an arranged marriage!DSC09881

On Saturday Kyle & I went to Target to get our registry done. He had to test out the stroller before we could add it to our list! ;) It was so fun picking out everything we needed for our baby girl!!DSC09882

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Posted by: Tukiyooo 30 weeks Updated at : 1:12 PM
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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