Hello everyone! Before 2011 gets here I wanted to give you a quick recap of our busy, but wonderful Christmas weekend!

It started on Christmas Eve. Kyle and I went down to my sister, Wendi’s house. We spent all afternoon doing our Christmas baking, including oreo balls, peanut butter ritz crackers dipped in almond bark, chocolate star cookies, and puppy chow!DSC09593

In the midst of all that we got he house ready for extended family Christmas that night! DSC09578

And what else do you do at Christmas family gatherings, but eat!!DSC09580 DSC09581 DSC09583

A delicious Christmas dinner: ham balls, deviled eggs, cheesy potatoes, strawberry pretzel salad, green bean casserole, and scalloped corn! Not pictured is dinner rolls, oreo salad, and of course all those yummy deserts!DSC09584

And what else do you do at Christmas family gatherings? Open presents!!DSC09585

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And then play with your new gifts!DSC09588

Only if you can figure out how to get the batteries in the toys! ;)DSC09591

We went to Christmas Eve service at church that night and then set up the Christmas present we got for ourselves: a new tv!!DSC09637

Football games will never be the same in the Bangert house!

Christmas day we went to Mom & Dad B’s house for our immediate family Christmas. Mom B made her yummy homemade pizza, not the traditional Christmas dinner, but still delish!

After lunch we did our gift exchange! Mom & Dad B must have been good this year! ;)DSC09598

Abby even got in on the fun!DSC09599

Travis was anxious to rip off that beautiful bow!DSC09600

It was fun to have Mel & Steve home from Chicago! We keep telling them then need to move back here!DSC09602

Grandma joined us for the day too!DSC09603

Mom & Dad B got us a big Geroge Foreman, now we can make more than 1 chicken breast at a time! Our small George Foreman just wasn’t cutting it anymore!DSC09604

Laura was pretty excited about her new Twin’s jersey, she’s a HUGE Joe Mauer fan!!DSC09607

And Mel, the baker, can now make Hawkeye cakes!DSC09609

We spent the afternoon playing cards & other games!

The next day our headed to Kyle’s aunt’s house for extended family Christmas. I didn’t get many pictures of the day, but it included more food, gifts, and family time! DSC09615

One special gift we got was from Grandma. Grandpa passed away this summer and she had each of his ties made into a purse for the all daughters (& in-laws) and grand daughters. Such a neat way to remember Grandpa! DSC09624DSC09631

Grandma knew just the one for me, black & yellow! There is a long strap that is tucked inside, it will be perfect to take into Hawkeye games!DSC09632

Other than family & food, we enjoyed our cousin’s little 3 year old boys! They are always on the go and kept us entertained with funny things they say!DSC09622

An overall wonderful Christmas weekend! I hope you were able to enjoy it with the ones you love! Now let’s get ready to ring in 2011! Can’t wait for all that 2011 has for us! ;)
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Christmas Recap Updated at : 6:08 AM
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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