Two years ago today I was in a much different place. I had just had a long “life talk” (family, finances, health, etc) with Kyle, my husband. I realized I wasn’t happy with the place I had let myself get to and needed to make a change. That very next day I got back to counting points and exercising!

I started a blog to document my eats and I’ve gotten SO much more from it! I’ve been inspired by your support, love the inspiration the blog world offers, and I’ve learned SO much from my fellow blog friends & this community.

I have had a few ups & downs since, but I’m committed to this journey! I know that the support of my husband, family, friends, and YOU (my readers) have helped me to be successful! And for that, I cannot say thank you enough!
I have gone from being able to run less than 1 mile to running a half marathon, something I would have thought would never be possible! I have a new outlook on life, food, fitness, the scale, and the list could go on & on! I know that it is not the number on the scale that determines if I’m successful, but what I’ve accomplished.

Today I’m a stronger, smaller, happier, committed woman! I can’t wait to see what the next year holds! ;)
Just for fun I’ve I thought I break a few things down when it comes to the how long, how many, etc! I do have an accounting degree, you know!

351 - The number of published posts to date
1971 - The number of comments I’ve amassed from you, my lovely readers
357 - Most blog page views I’ve received in a single day according to Blogger (thank you amazing readers!)
6,355 - Total number of blog hits I received last month, all time high! (thanks again amazing readers!)
16,810 - Total blog hits to date (did I mention that you’re amazing?)
14 - Average number of posts per month
202 – My weight on 11.4.08
40 – The number of pounds I’ve lost since my first post
8 – Abby’s weight ;)
13.1 - The furthest distance (in miles) I’ve ran
6 – The number of races I’ve completed (Hope to greatly increase that number next year!)
7 - The number of running shorts I own, one for each day of the week!
86 – The number of days I had a blogging hiatus (GOAL: get that lower next year!)
97 – The average number in ounces of water I drink per day
7 - The number of weeks ago my sweet nephew, Hayden, was born
So there you have it! I proud of my numbers! :D

My hope for the blog going forward is to give back as much appreciation, love, and inspiration as I get from blogging!

As a small token of my appreciation, I am going to do my FIRST giveaway! It includes a few of my favorites: a Hungry Girl cookbook, an Iowa magnetic chip clip, Larabars, $15 Subway giftcard, and an Envirosax resuable shopping bag!
How to enter:
1. Comment! - Leave a comment telling me what inspires YOU!
2. Tweet! - @darcibangert is hosting a Blogiversary giveaway over at weightloss-stories.blogspot.com – Leave a [separate] comment telling me you did so.
3. Follow! – Become a follower or let me know if you already are. Leave a [separate] comment telling me you did so.
4. Blog! – Put a link on your blog post “Check out Darci’s Blogiversary post for a great giveaway over at http://weightloss-stories.blogspot.com” - Leave a [separate] comment telling me you did so.

Deadline is Monday November 8th
. Good luck!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo 2 Year Blogiversary!!! Updated at : 12:01 AM
Thursday, November 4, 2010

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