It's FRIDAY!!!! Woo Hoo!!! (just picture me doing a little dance!!) Only a few more hours and the weekend is officially here!

Ok, but we can't forget about Thursday! Here's a quick recap! I made eggs & toast for breakfast for 5 points. I don't think they sat well in my tummy though, it was turning all morning. :(

I tried snacking on a granola bar for 2 points to see if it would help, no such luck though.

Lunch was leftovers...again! But don't worry, this is the last of the creamy baked chicken! There were 1 1/2 pieces left and I ate BOTH for 6 points. Thankfully lunch helped settle my stomach, not sure what the deal was.

Remember my soup fail from Wednesday? Well I had made such a big pot last weekend and was planning on taking it to my Mom's house for my weekly Hayden visit, but since it didn't turn out the best I made a back up, chili! It's always good! ;)

I had 1 1/2 c with a sprinkle of cheese and some corn chips for a total of 10 points. Mmm good!

I spent the rest of the evening with this little cutie! Well actually he slept most of the time, but that's ok!

I have to give a shout out, Thursday was my Dad's birthday!!!

I brought a strawberry rhubarb pie down for his birthday(he's more of a "birthday pie" kind of guy!), but he's one busy farmer (it's that time of year!) so we had to have a piece w/o the birthday boy. I looked up the nutrition facts and 1 slice is about 9 points!!

POINTS = 32/23
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = 11 used/24 remaining
H2O = 120 oz

What's your preference? Birthday cake, pie, or something else? Me - I like all of the above(plus ice cream)! ;)
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Happy Birthday to my Pops! Updated at : 6:10 AM
Friday, October 22, 2010

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