Russia Flexes Military Muscle As Tensions Rise In Ukraine's Crimea Region -- CNN

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Russia ordered surprise military exercises on Ukraine's doorstep Wednesday as tensions in that country's southern Crimea region simmered, with pro-Russian demonstrators facing off against rival protesters in the city of Simferopol.

As the mood soured among the thousands rallying in front of the Crimean parliament building in Simferopol, some scuffles broke out.

One group waved Ukrainian flags and shouted "Crimea is not Russia," while the other held Russian flags aloft and shouted "Crimea is Russia," images broadcast by Crimean TV channel ATR showed. As the crowd became more agitated, a line of police moved in to divide the groups.

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Rolls-Royce drone ships challenge $375 billion industry: Freight.

Apple’s serious security issue: Update your iPhone or iPad immediately.

Bitcoin value drops sharply.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo World News Briefs -- February 26, 2014 (Evening Edition) Updated at : 3:00 PM
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

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