First of all, I have to say THANK YOU for all your comments yesterday. Losing a loved one is never easy! You guys are the best!! :)

Anyone see my tweet yesterday morning? If not, I'll fill you in! I had to go to the dentist and they couldn't seem to get me numb...it took 5 shots!! Not the most fun way to start my Tuesday morning!
Since it took 4+ hours for the numbness to ware off I couldn't eat until I was done, which meant breakfast had to wait until close to noon! I mixed up some oatmeal with a small sliced banana and 1T of peanut butter for 5 points. Once again, work was crazy! But I took some time to eat some supper around 6pm. I heated up a Smart Ones for 4 points.
While working through the evening/night I snacked on 1c of grapes for 1 point.

I called it a day at work around 10pm and went home to get some more points in the for the day. I had 1 c chocolate milk and a lean pocket for a total of 9 points.

I weighed in Tuesday morning...I was nervous, but needed to face the facts! It said 178.5lbs. Kyle & I, along with my sisters and some friends are going on a cruise in November so I'm planning on setting a "cruise goal" to work for.


POINTS = 19/23
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = 0 used/35 remaining
H2O = 128 oz

Alright guys, I'm out for now! Can't wait to catch up with everyone!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Facing the scale Updated at : 3:41 PM
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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