Hey everyone! Friday is just around the corner…if that doesn’t make you smile then I don’t know what will?!? ;)

Maybe this:

Once again I didn’t workout this morning…but I can still open pickle jars! I did get up early though to head to my office to do some more prep for my class that I am teaching.

Since I went in early I made my breakfast there also. Back to the usual oatmeal, PB2, and a small sliced banana for 4 points. DSC06347 

I got so much done this morning…it felt great!! I was so busy I didn’t eat my morning snack until 12:15pm! Maybe I should call it my appetizer for lunch rather than a morning snack! ;) The same as always: 1/4c grape nuts, ww vanilla yogurt (that was rude & took up the entire picture!), and 1 c strawberries for 3 points. DSC06348 

I ran home quick for lunch to see my husband and get a quick bite to eat! My wonderful hubby made me a delicious lunch! An egg and cheese sandwich (made with 3 egg whites), a sliced apple, and 1/2 c cottage cheese for 6 points. The sandwich was egg-ceptional!! Might have to have the hubby make this for me more often! DSC06349 

I spent my afternoon training my new staff member and then headed to my class at 5pm. I’m going to have to figure something out because I cannot wait to not eat until my class is over at 8pm! I’m thinking of having a late afternoon snack before I head to class.

When my class did get over I snapped this pic in record time and tore into this oats & strawberry fiber one bar for 2 points. DSC06351 

I think it was good I ate the fiber one bar on my drive home. It made me not eat my kitchen all at once! I opted for some steamed cauliflower for 0 points! Keep in mind it was almost 9pm by the time I ate this and so I didn’t want to eat anything more since it was so late in the day and I feel more than satisfied. DSC06352

Well friends, sorry for the quick post. I need to get packed. I’m headed west this weekend to help my sister & her hubby to move into a house they recently purchased!

POINTS = 15/23
WATER = 136 oz

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Friday!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Priceless! Updated at : 8:14 PM
Thursday, March 11, 2010

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