Hey everyone! I had a full day Wednesday, hence the late post! :)

The fog & rain is still hanging around! It made it super hard to get out of bed yesterday morning. So instead I decided to curl up next to Kyle for an extra hour! Totally worth it! ;)

I switched up breakfast and had 1 cup of crispix, 1/2 cup ff milk, 2 sliced strawberries, and 1 small sliced banana for a delicious 4 points bowl of fruity cereal!

Wednesday was one of my staff's last days. It is a tradition in my office to send our employees out with a food day for their last day. Well I was bad and didn't participate. I didn't even want to go back to the break room to see what kind of calorie filled foods there were! NSV!!!

Mid morning I mixed up my snack of ww vanilla yogurt, 1/4c grape nuts, and 1 c strawberries for 3 points. Much better option than those full fat foods that are filling the break room! ;)

Lunch ended up getting eaten at my desk! I made a turkey & cheese flat bread with pickles for 3 points.

And I also had 1/2c cottage cheese and some pineapple on the side for 3 points. Simple, but great lunch!

We were lucky enough to hire someone to replace the open position in my office from within. So I spent my afternoon training our new person! Boy did that make it fly by and I didn't get much done!

After work a bunch of us went out to a local Mexican restaurant to have a "last night out" with the person who was leaving. I decided before I went that I would just order a diet pop and only eat a few chips & salsa. No ordering anything! And I did fairly good. I am estimating that I ate around 9 points worth of chips & salsa...we were there quite a few hours!

After wards I headed home and did some prepping for my class tonight! Kyle likes to call me "Professor Darci"! I just think that sounds silly!!

POINTS = 22/23
WATER = 80 oz
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Better late than never! Updated at : 10:10 AM
Thursday, March 11, 2010

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