It was a good thing we hit the hay early Friday night because Kyle set his alarm to get up early Saturday morning to watch the sunrise!

So we ran the quick mile to the beach to see it! DSC06510 

And it was beautiful!DSC06511           DSC06522  

It was the perfect way to start another day in paradise with the one I love most!DSC06526 

And then we ran home!! It was perfect running weather. Cool and 65 degrees!  So we only ran 2 miles, but they were a pretty fast!

Wendi and Grandpa were still sleeping when we got back to his place! Boy they don’t know what they missed out on!

When they finally up we went to one of Grampo’s favorite local places for breakfast, Sammy J’s!DSC06534

We decided to eat outside since it was such a nice morning!DSC06543    

Kyle and I both ordered chocolate chip pancakes…they are a favorite of ours we like to make at home once in a while!DSC06539

I just LOVE all the palm trees!! And we had plenty to enjoy while eating!! DSC06537 

The breakfast place was right next to a Dunkin Donuts! Look at what their drive thru sign says:DSC06536 

Don’t know that I agree, but we wanted to test it out!DSC06541

Just cause we hadn’t had them before and Kyle & I said we wanted to try new things on this trip!DSC06540

After our breakfast we hit the beach! It was 78 degrees, clear, & sunny….perfect day at the beach!

We laid out for quite a while and then Kyle decided he wanted to test out the water…bbbbrrrr it was cold!!DSC06545

He begged, begged, and begged!! And I finally decided to take 20 minutes and SLOWLY get in! Silly me, I should have just jumped in! (photographs courtesy of lil sis, wendi!)DSC06552 

Kyle having a blast in the waves! DSC06555DSC06554 

After our afternoon of fun at the beach we came home and celebrated my Grandpa’s 76th birthday!  DSC06562

Mmmm birthday cake!!!DSC06557

After birthday cake & a little resting we got ready to go out for the night! I love being able to wear dresses again after the long winter we had in Iowa!DSC06564 

We hit up a sports bar/grill just down the road from my Grandpa’s because University of Northern Iowa was playing against Kansas in the March Madness basketball tournament. DSC06565 

We had our supper and enjoyed the game, but my Grandpa isn’t much of a sports fan so we took him back home and then raced to the nearest bar to watch the rest of the game….which ended up being “Harry & the Natives”! I just like the name! :)DSC06568 

And if you hadn’t heard yet, UNI beat Kansas and are headed to the “Sweet 16”!!! It was pretty exciting! We aren’t huge UNI fans, but hey they are from the state of Iowa so we gotta cheer for them!

After the game was over we decided to go mini golfing!   DSC06583

None of us were, that good, but we did have a lot of fun! :) Look Wendi got a hole in one!!DSC06573

Not so much for Kyle though, he kept hitting his ball off the green! lolDSC06574DSC06575

It’s always fun to take pictures along the way!DSC06576

Look, Kyle and I danced in the gazebo just like in Twilight! ;)DSC06578   DSC06581


And we rode some rides at the end!DSC06584

And our last stop before leaving the “Family Fun Center” was the driving range. Kyle was pretty good!DSC06587

But I was horrible! Notice I had already swung and COMPLETELY missed! Oh well, we had fun anyway! :)DSC06589

When we got back to my Grandpa’s place Kyle and Wendi noticed that the sun hadn’t been so nice to their skin!

Check out the burn lines on my poor baby’s legs! Ouch! I on the other hand didn’t get red…just tan thanks to the tanning bed!DSC06594

And that concludes my 3rd day in Florida! Hope you guys are getting excited for my guest posts…they are awesome! :)

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Fun Filled Florida – Day 3 Updated at : 3:49 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010

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