Hey everyone!

Day 2 in Florida was a little less beach than day 1, but a little more of something else I love…shopping! :)

We headed to Orlando to hit the shops! Kyle was especially excited because they had an Under Armour Outlet! Pretty much everything he wears for running is Under Armour.

We hit up Kyle’s choice first and got a TON of stuff!! He is stocked up for running season in Iowa now!

We stopped at a few other places and then wanted to get on the road to my Granpa’s house.

On the way Kyle and I had two new “trys’!! The first was Chick-Fil-A! I ordered the original chicken sandwich with the waffle fries and Kyle got the chicken strips…both were great!DSC06500 

After Chick-Fil-A, I knew right where we were headed next. I had read abut it many times on Meghann’s blog and knew the next time I was down here I wanted to try it! Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt!DSC06501 

To say that this place is great is a HUGE understatement!! You take a cup and and pick a flavor of fro-yo you want, there are 12+ choices!DSC06503 

Then you add on whatever toppings you want!! DSC06504 

Just look at all these choices! I was like a kid in a candy store! ;)DSC06505 

We all went for the chocolate! And added pretty much any topping that went well with chocolate….cookie dough bites, mini pb cups, brownies, mini caramel cups, crushed Oreos, cheesecake bites, gummy bears, crushed Reeses PB cups, mini chocolate chips…….DSC06506


Then you put your creation on the scale and pay by weight! The 3 of ours came to $19….I think we all had a tad too much! ;) And we couldn’t finish them! But it was still SUPER good and SO fun!!

Next time we all want to try a more fruity kind and definitely get less!!

After our fro-yo experience we headed south to my Grandpa’s house near West Palm Beach. It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive straight down the Florida Turnpike.

And of course, what was the first thing he wanted to do when we got there….eat! Ugh….the three of us will still STUFFED from our two new “trys”!

But we went along with him and he was excited to go to this new place he said that had just opened….Golden Corral. I think all old/retired people like buffets! It ended up being ok though. Kyle, Wendi, & I just ate pretty light after our afternoon filled with food!

It was a pretty low key night and we hit the hay early, but that was ok with us! We don’t want to be tired on vaca!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo A Friday in Florida! Updated at : 3:39 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010

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