Thursday morning I knew I wasn’t going to make it to the gym since I stayed up a tad too late on Wednesday. So I slept in a bit and then got ready for work.

For some reason I thought I wanted something different for breakfast. I decided to make a fruit & granola salad. I chopped up a pear, an apple, and a banana and threw about a 1/4c of my homemade granola on top. Oh my, I couldn’t even eat it all!! Next time I will only choose 2 fruits!! My eyes were definitely bigger than my tummy! I am estimating I ate about 3 points worth. DSC06009 

My morning snack, yet again, included more granola! I can’t get enough of this stuff!! I mixed up 1/4c with some ww vanilla yogurt for a delish 2 point snack! DSC06010 

Before lunch I snacked on some crunchy baby carrots. I also had a little bit of ranch on the side for dipping. A yummy 1 point appetizer to my lunch! DSC06011

Subway is practically a neighbor to my office so I got that for a quick lunch. I got a 6 inch turkey & ham on wheat for 5 points. But after I ordered I realized I should have got a foot long 'cause they are $5 all month long!!DSC06012

For supper I made another new try, Cheesy Chicken and Macaroni. If this isn’t comfort food, I don’t know what is!! Super yummy & would never guess that it’s healthy! On the side I also had 1c of grapes and a serving of green beans for a 7 point supper. DSC06013

Cheesy Chicken & Macaroni

  • 1 1/2 c macroni (dry) – cooked
  • 4 oz cooked chicken breast, diced
  • 6 oz lite Velvetta, cubed
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup
  • 1 c lite sour cream
  • 1 tsp chicken bouillon granules
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • Garlic & salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Spray baking dish. Combine all ingredients and cook over medium heat. Spoon into baked dish and baked for 30 minutes. Serves 6, 4 points each OR 4 servings, 6 points each.

After supper I whipped up a batch of brownies. Once they cooled I cut them out with heart cookie cutters, frosted them, and topped with sprinkles. I wanted to give a little Valentine to the staff in my office!DSC06014DSC06015

As you can tell it’s now Friday. I had a great list planned for my day.

  • 5am wake up
  • blog
  • gym
  • get ready & eat breakfast
  • 8am work
  • 4pm get off work and welcome friends who are staying at our house for the weekend.

Well it didn’t quite go like that. :( Here is a better summary of my day.

  • 5am wake up
  • lay on couch ‘cause I just wasn’t feeling right
  • run to the bathroom
  • back to bed to sleep
  • bathroom
  • sleep
  • bathroom
  • sleep
  • etc.

You get the picture? Ugh!! I think I’m feeling a tad better, but I think I need to give it more time. I’m so bummed, I made Valentines for my staff, my friends are here for the weekend… Well complaining won’t help, I’m trying my hardest to just rest, think positive, and get better ASAP!

Later friends!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Thinking Positive! Updated at : 2:33 PM
Friday, February 12, 2010

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