Hey everyone! I know I’ve been MIA the past 2 days. Well Thursday was definitely an exception of a day. I slept in past my alarm and just wasn’t feeling “right”. Got to work and by noon I was miserable. I closed my office door and laid on the floor for a while, but I wasn’t feeling any better laying down than I was sitting at my desk. I pushed through, got my stuff done, and went home around 4pm. I was dizzy, nauseous, and had a horrible stomach ache. I feel asleep around 6pm and didn’t wake up till 7am Friday morning, feeling much better!

Not sure what it was, Kyle thought I ate something that didn’t agree with me. Whatever it was I’m glad to be feeling much better! My eats were a little off Thursday, but here is quick snapshot of what I ate. DSC05872DSC05873DSC05874DSC05876

I made a simple breakfast Friday morning, a little worried it would upset my stomach. I had 2 slices of toast with chocolate PB2 and a sliced banana with an orange on the side for 4 points. DSC05877

It’s been quite cold here lately! Check out what my vehicle thermometer said on the way to work on Friday!DSC05870

Felt good all morning long, I think not feeling so good on Thursday was a fluke thing. I bought some pears last Sunday at the grocery store and finally sliced one up for my morning snack for 1 point. It was still quite hard…had the crispness of an apple, not the softness of a pear. :( Need to wait a few more days before eating the rest!DSC05878

I wasn’t able to get out of the office for lunch until after 2pm. I snacked on an apple on the way home for 1 point. See those nice rays of sunshine? They are quite deceiving…it’s still cold out!DSC05879

I made a quick lunch. I had a turkey & cheese flat out wrap with a side of peaches and cottage cheese. I only ate half of the wrap. The store only had the light italian flat outs and it just has a different flavor. I really liked it with my bbq chicken pizza, but not so much just as plain as a wrap. So my lunch was just 4 points. DSC05880DSC05881

Since I had such a late lunch I only had about an hour and half when I got back to the office and it flew by! When I got home I grabbed a fiber one bar to snack on for 2 points. I didn’t want to gorge on supper since my lunch was quite light!DSC05882

Kyle and I headed to my sister’s house for the evening. My other sister from Omaha was coming for the weekend! We had the perfect supper for a cold Iowa day, chili! I had 1 cup with 1/4 c ff shredded cheddar, a grilled cheese sandwich on the side, and some carrots & ranch to round out the meal for 9 points. DSC05884DSC05885DSC05886

We spent the evening chatting away and the boys played Rock Band! Gotta love family time! :)

It’s now Saturday morning and I’m off to get in a workout with Kyle before he has to go to work. I didn’t get a workout the past 2 days. Then I’ll be catching up with all of you!

POINTS = 21/24
WATER =  80 oz

Make sure to hop on over to TJ’s blog for a wonderful giveaway!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Still Kickin’ Updated at : 9:00 AM
Saturday, January 30, 2010

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