Happy Wednesday everyone! Well as I said at the end of my Tuesday post I had a delay for work and we ended up closing. One of the many perks of working at a college! :) We are in an ice warning, anticipating .25-.50 accumulation of ice!! But don’t worry I didn’t skip my morning workout! I slipped and slid my way to the gym and got in 61 minutes on the cross ramp (burned over 650 calories!) and then I did 10 minutes of abs and stretching.

I stopped to see Kyle for a few minutes and then went to McDonalds…don’t freak out though, it was to get a RedBox movie…not food! But I have to admit when I pulled in, I was thinking, hmm a breakfast sandwich sounds pretty good right now! So instead of completely wasting 14+ points on a drive thru breakfast (I’d like to say I never intended on doing AT ALL, I just like to compare!!!) I came home and made my own point friendly, nutritious breakfast!!

I picked up these whole wheat thin buns at the grocery store the other day. They are VERY good and only 1 point!  They worked perfect for the breakfast sandwich I was craving!!DSC05780

I made 3 eggs whites, added 6 slices of sliced ham, and finally a slice of ff cheese for a delicious & filling 4 point breakfast sandwich! (I split the ingredients and 2 open face sandwiches…makes it seem like you get more!) McDonalds doesn’t have anything on this!! ;)DSC05783

I also peeled an orange (1 point) to have on the side! So juicy and delicious!DSC05782

Well I’ve been back at it for 1 week and I couldn’t be happier! I’m feeling good, full of motivation and dedication! I stepped on the scale this morning and it said 169.5, a 5lb loss!!! I was super excited to see that. Only 10 1/2 more lbs to lose for the sister challenge and 19.5lbs to goal! I CAN DO THIS!!!

Around 11am I got a call from Kyle saying he was getting off work early ‘cause they were slow!! I was SO excited to have a “snow day” at home w/my man!! We took a quick nap when he got home and when I woke up I was quite hungry so I snacked on a serving of wheat thins for 2 points. DSC05786

The wheat thins didn’t fully do the trick so I ate a small banana for 1 point and that helped my hunger a lot! DSC05785

I spent the afternoon doing laundry and balancing our accounts. Later we ran a few errands and rented a movie. We ended up picking out the Invention of Lying. While watching it I munched on some light popcorn for 1 point. DSC05787

Kyle warmed up some left over pizza for supper so I was on my own. I ended up making cheesy chicken & broccoli for a total of 9 points. It consisted of 3 oz chicken breast, 2 oz whole wheat pasta, 2 oz 2% Velveeta, and broccoli! It turned out to be a HUGE portion…but I finished it off since I didn’t have an official lunch! DSC05788

Schools are already starting to delay for tomorrow too, who knows I might get to sleep in a bit tomorrow! I know winter weather isn’t fun, but I sure to love when it gives me a free day(s) off work!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Wednesday!

POINTS = 18/24
WATER =  96 oz
EXERCISE = 61 min cross ramp, 10 min abs/stretching

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Snow Day! Updated at : 3:33 AM
Thursday, January 21, 2010

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