Hello everyone and Happy December! I know my blogging since June has been VERY sporadic, but I’m back now!! I know blogging my daily eats &  activity and your support was key in to the success I had from last November to June.

So here I am….my lowest in May was 156, this morning the scale said 173.5. :( I’ve been seeing those upper 160s & low 170s too much lately. Today, DECEMBER 1st, is day one for me….again! I have been thinking I need to get serious again and what happened Saturday was just the key, so sit tight and read along!

My sisters and I had breakfast together Saturday morning after Thanksgiving with my Grandma. When I got there they were all talking about about the “bet” and who was going to win. So of course, I wanted to hear what this was all about. Lo and behold, it was about weight loss! They originally wanted to do a certain # of lbs, but I said we should do percentages, which in turn ended up being more weight for me to lose! lol In the long run it will be good for me! We settled on 8% and $20. So whoever loses 8% of their body weight first gets paid $20 by the other three sisters! Bring on the challenge sisters!! I’m ready to be back to my slimmer self!!! :) And beating my sisters wouldn’t be too bad either!!

Without further ado, here is my day of eats!

I started out the day hitting snooze and wanting to stay in bed with Kyle rather than go to the gym. Great start to the challenge, Darci!!!! lol But the extra cuddle time with my man was nice! It will have to last me all week ‘cause I’m hitting the gym the rest of the mornings this week!!!

I had a small banana on the drive to work for 1 point. I love little bananas. Kyle thinks it funny that I always look for the little bananas instead of the big ones when I’m picking them out at the grocery store!DSC05159 

When I got to work I made a quick bowl of oatmeal and added a few blueberries for 2 points. These blueberries had been in  my freezer way too long and ruined my breakfast. I ate the majority of the oatmeal, but it wasn’t good! Note to self: throw out blueberries & buy new ones!DSC05160 

I also had 2 clementines for 1 point with my breakfast. I love the fact that you can have 2 for only 1 point!! And boy were they good, super sweet & citrus-ey!!DSC05161

I couldn’t wait for my morning snack. I know you guys are used to seeing this, but it’s a been a while since I have had my “morning mush”!! Strawberries really aren’t a fall berry and haven’t been too good or on sale at the grocery store. They were on Sunday, $2/pound! Kyle and I stocked up, I think we got 5 or 6 1lb containers! I thoroughly enjoyed my morning snack for 3 points! DSC05163DSC05164

I had a full plate for lunch today and I enjoyed every inch of it! It was fill with a sliced golden delicious apple, broccoli w/cheese, and a turkey & cheese sandwich totaling 5 points. DSC05165


I packed a quick gym bag over my lunch break so I could get a sweat session in after work since I slept in this morning! My afternoon at work FLEW by, which is always good! Afterwards I hit the gym for a great 45 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes of abs. Boy was I soaked with sweat by the end of that! I love being back in the gym, but definitely prefer morning work outs, the gym is less busy and not as stinky! ;)

Kyle had to work late tonight so I made supper for 1! Someone mentioned macaroni and cheese at work earlier today at work and it had been in my  head ever since. So I decided to make a “lighter” version of that for supper tonight. My mac n cheese consisted of 2 oz of the light velveeta, 3 oz whole wheat pasta, and lots of broccoli for a total of 8 points. This was quite a large serving and very filling! DSC05166

POINTS = 20/24
WATER = 125 oz
ACTIVITY POINTS EARNED  = 7 today/7 week
EXERCISE = 45 min elliptical, 10 min abs

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Posted by: Tukiyooo The Sister Challenge is On!!! Updated at : 6:46 PM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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