It’s “Friday Eve”!!! Love it!!! :)

I didn’t have time to get in a workout this AM, but I did have a few extra minutes to make a nice breakfast. I had a 3 egg white omelet, with 1 slice of ff cheese, and 1/4c  diced lean ham, and strawberries for 4 pointsDSC02383 

My omelet was great to change things up a bit, but it sure didn’t hold me over too long. By 11am I was sure ready for my morning snack, usually I don’t eat it until 12:30ish. And of course you could guess what I had without even looking at my picture! My favorite combo…strawberries, grape nuts, and yogurt for 3 points. DSC02384


Lunch today was another “frozen” one. We are SUPER behind at work so I didn’t want to take much time at home. So I heated up my SmartOne’s dinner for 6 points and ate it on the way back instead of taking my usual hour lunch break. DSC02385 

Not sure what my deal is…but I had the snack attack today. Throughout the afternoon at work I snacked on a fiber one bar and a smart food popcorn cluster for 4 points total.

Ok so I bought these SUPER cute new black dress shoes while I was in Florida. (One of the three pairs of black dress shoes I bought while there!) Anyway…today was the first day I wore them to work and by the end of the day I didn’t think they were too cute anymore…in fact I wanted to rip them off my feat and hurl them out the window!!!! Luckily I didn’t, I plan on wearing them to my SIL’s wedding in June. If my feet can take it! My question to all my wonderful bloggies is what can I do to help my poor blistered toes so this doesn’t happen again…is there anyway to make these shoes more comfortable?? I put Band-Aids on mid-day as you can see in the picture, but them they started rubbing on my 2 smallest toes on both feet. :( So if anyone has any “make high heels more comfortable advice”….I am ALL ears!!! DSC02389DSC02393

Ok back to food!! Sorry for that “detour”! I thing my blog has turned into “my road to weight loss and my daily happenings”! I hope you guys are ok with that!!

After tending to my blistered toes I toughed up and hit the pavement for a run. Abby joined me today and I quickly wished she would have stayed home. She wanted to stop and sniff every single thing!! I kept having to pull her along. So it was a slow run, but I did my normal route and got done in about 25 minutes (2.5 miles) so not too bad. I dropped her off back at the house and hopped on the bike for a quick 15 minute ride around the neighborhood. I guess I should remember that my legs are about a MILLION times longer than hers! But usually she is practically pulling me along! So note sure why she was lagging…must have been a rough day lazily sleeping around the house! ;) lol

Supper tonight was a new try! And it was GREAT!! From what I’ve seen these are called “crack wraps” and I think I can only guess why!!! They are SUPER addicting!! I was reading Becca’s blog today and came across them and had to try them right away!! You can click here to get “specific” instructions…but they really aren’t that hard! Just three ingredients, 1 wrap, 1 slice of ff swiss cheese, and 2T hummus. For the record hummus and I don’t go too far back. I tried it over Christmas break at my sister’s house and was NOT impressed at all. But when I saw this on Becca’s post today I thought I would give hummus another try! And I am sure glad that I did. So in total my supper was 5 points for the “crack wrap” and steamed veggies w/cheese. DSC02394 

DSC02395Ok so I had lots of new trys today!! After reading Kristin’s post today I knew I wanted to FINALLY try out a homemade smoothie. I’ve had ones at Tropical Smoothie, but never made one for myself! My smoothie contained a bunch of strawberries, 1 banana, 1 c Almond Breeze, and a bunch of ice for 4 points total and it made a TON! I tried giving some to DH, but he wasn’t too fond of it so I just sipped away on it all night while doing things around the house…it made 3 glasses total, but I only got pictures of glass #1 and glass #2! DSC02396  


Besides getting my counter cleaned off I spent the evening going through this GIANT box  that came today! It is from my PartyLite show I had last Monday. I couldn’t believe how much stuff there was! It was kinda fun to get everything all set out and then put everyone’s individual orders together. The last picture is what I got for FREE!!! In total I got 12 candles and 1 diffuser. Can’t wait to burn them and see what I think! They are supposed to burn “clean”…no black stuff on the sides of the jar! I’m super excited about that!DSC02398DSC02399DSC02400

Well my favorite bloggers it’s almost 10:30 and I’m ready to hit the hay! Hope everyone had a “thrilling Thursday”!!!


POINTS = 26/23

WEEKLY ALLOWANCE = 6 used, 29 remaining

WATER =96 oz

EXERCISE = 25 min run, 15 min bike ride

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 177 (Thursday 4/30) Updated at : 8:32 PM
Thursday, April 30, 2009

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