Day 2 of three day weekend and I’m loving every single minute of it!! I started out my morning catching up on all of your wonderful blogs!! I just luv my blogger buddies!!

After DH went to work I hit the gym for a nice sweat session…got in 45 minutes on the cross ramp and 10 minutes of abs. Afterwards I picked up our weekly loot of groceries…stocked with fresh fruits & veggies for the week!

While cleaning and cutting my purchases I snacked on a cup of grapes. They were crisp and delicious for just 1 point!!


By the time I was done with all that it was after 2 and I knew I needed to eat something so I didn’t pig out at the in-laws for supper! So I had some left over grilled chicken and steamed broccoli & cauliflower with cheese for 6 points. DSC02231 

Then I was off to get my hair cut. I went pretty drastic!! Cut off 10 inches!!! What do you think?


When I got home we had to rush off to DH’s parents house for supper. Which happened to be completely NOT point friendly. But I enjoyed myself and didn’t worry about it too much. The only picture I got was when DH took the rotisserie off the grill!! Don’t worry he was just pretending…he didn’t really bite into it! :) We had pork loin, cheesy potatoes, corn, homemade dinner rolls, ice cream and brownies!! YUM!! My MIL is an AMAZING cook!!!DSC02239

We stayed for quite a while into the evening playing games, chatting, and doing a little online shopping for MIL! It was a fun evening!

Now it’s Sunday and I am just killing a little time before we head down to my Mom’s house for Easter dinner.

Here is a picture we snapped quickly after church! I just love this guy!! Oh and btw, he’s lost 14 pounds!!! Congrats hunnie!!



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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 158 (Saturday 4/11) Updated at : 9:31 AM
Sunday, April 12, 2009

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