Disclosure: This post is not ww points friendly...proceed with caution!

I made it to the gym Friday morning. Got in 20 min leg workout (man were they burning!) and then 20 min of interval training. Headed to my office and made my usual for a 3 point breakfast.
I took my lunch at the end of the day on Friday so I could leave an hour early (3:30 instead of 4:30) 'cause DH & I had our tax appointment. So I tried to space out my snacks & lunch accordingly. At about noon I had a 3 point snack of strawberries, grape nuts, & ww yogurt...my fav!!
Then around 2pm I decided to take out my lunch which consisted of ham & turkey slices, baby dill pickles, & a slice of ff cheese. Along with some sliced cucumbers and lite ranch (which I didn't eat because it was gross- a new kind that I haven't had before) for a 3-4 point lunch.

My sweet tooth got the better part of me around 3pm I broke into my stash of 1 point ww cookies! Not too bad for a quick one point snack.
I left work at 3:30 and headed to meet DH at our accountants. Got in and out pretty quick and hit the video store to rent some movies for our weekend in! We rented Fireproof, Lakeview Terrace, and My Best Friend's Girl. Then we headed to Subway to get our supper for a night in...$5 footlongs!!! They're back...any footlong for $5! Love it! I usually get ham & turkey, but I decided to switch it up and got the chicken terayki! Loved it...I ended up eating both halves...yep looked up the points and it was 15!! But man was it worth it...sssooo good!!
We watched My Best Friend's Girl first and it was not too great in my opinion. Pretty raunchy (sp?). So I was glad we got that one out of the way first! I snacked on some ff popcorn and pb m&m's for 5 points during the movies! I love pb m&ms...it was definitely a guilty pleasure for the night!
I forgot about the best part about Friday! We stopped at Target and I wasn't sure why, DH said he needed something. And so we walk in to the electronics department and he said "Which one do you want" while standing in front of the ipod counter!! I was so ecstatic!!! I've wanted a new one for a while, mine is from 2005 and is only a 1gb! So of course I picked the pink nano that happened to come with a free $15 gift card!! I haven't opened it yet...we are talking about maybe taking it back and getting a bigger one. Any opinions on the ipod touch? I don't know much about it. Or do you think I should just get the bigger classic ipod? Which is better for working out?

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14th - Happy Valentines Day!

DH took Saturday off. He rarely is off Saturday & Sunday...he operates a fast food restaurant and it usually pretty important that he is there on Saturdays. So it was nice to have him home for v-day! We slept in till about 8...which was way better than our normal 5:30am!! I got right to my v-day plans. I made DH heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast! I passed on those, I knew I would be eating a lot of other very non-point friendly things!
Then I got right to baking! I made heart shaped sugar cookies with pink frosting, a double batch of chocolate chip cookies, and banana bread (forgot to take a picture though!). I love to bake, but I hate keeping it around...I could down cookie after cookie and before I know it they would ALL be gone and that would be BAD!! Sssssoooo......

We made our baked goods into valentine gifts for some of our friends & neighbors! I love to do paper crafts so I made a few quick cards, custom treat bags, and put it all together and made some deliveries! It's always fun to do a little something special for those special people in your lives! Now I couldn't do it for EVERYONE!! Was not prepared for that all...this was all done I whim that I got! So I am sorry to all my friends & family that didn't get one! We only did 5...and there are many more than 5 special people in our lives!

By the time I got home from our deliveries of v-day goodies it was about time to think about supper. We knew we were staying in and I just the idea. So I hurried out of the house and got DH's favorite...Casey's pizza! It's is definitely a Midwest favorite! I got my favorite...Applebees spinach artichoke dip! Mmmmm!!
Look at all that cheesy, greasy goodness!

DH was happy about his surprise supper! We still had two more movies to watch so we got right down to business and watched Lakeview Terrace. Boy that kept your heart pumping!! That guy is a nutso!! In between we made our own version of Cheddars' Cookie Monster...warm chocolate chip cookie, ice cream, fudge, & cool whip!! Oh holy, yum!!! Points value = through the roof!!!
So after that movie we popped in Fireproof...while drinking a glass of some cheap wine we bought the grocery store! It wasn't too bad, esp for only $4.99!! :)
Fireproof was definitely a low-budget movie, but has a GREAT message! Here is one of my few of my favorite quotes from the movie...that I can remember: "Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." And last by not least for v-day...here is a pic of DH & I! We've been married for almost 4 years now and I would have to say that we're very blessed! (sorry this isn't a very good pic...but I wanted to post one!!)


I had great intentions for today after all the non-point friendly food I ate yesterday....but that didn't pan out! After church DH & I went to a local buffet that has $5.99 brunch/chinese buffet! DH loves breakfast food & I love chinese! I definitely didn't stay within my points for that meal, but I don't think I went too overboard either. We headed home and took a nice afternoon siesta! I woke up and wanted to go to the mall, tan, & workout. So I headed to the mall, I had a 20% off coupon that I wanted to use to get at least one pair of dress pants that don't FALL off me! I found one...it's hard when you have long legs...only $28.97...not too bad for an in-between pair! I went and tanned. Happy too see that it's free tan week this week!! Hopefully will good in some good tans to get ready for Florida!!

When I got back out to my car I realized I forgot my water bottle and cell phone at home. I knew I needed that for my workout so I went back home, grabbed them quick, and got two blocks away and DH called. He's been talking about trying to get back into shape and said if I came home he would run with me outside! So of course I did a u-turn and got my running partner! He hasn't exercised for quite some time so it was a run/walk, but that was ok. I was happy to have him with me and burning calories together!! We went about 2.5 miles.

And now tonight we are just chilling at home. Need to get some laundry done for the week ahead and hit the hay early! I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day and a wonderful weekend! After all that horrible I am pretty sure I will see a gain on the scale this week, but I think I am going to face the facts and wi anyway!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Days 102-104 (Friday 2/13-Sunday 2/15) Updated at : 3:46 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009

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