BREAKFAST: Oatmeal & an Apple. 3 points
MORNING SNACK: Yogurt, Strawberries, & Grape Nuts. 3 points
LUNCH: Smart Ones Slow Roasted Turkey Breast & String Cheese. 5 points

AFTERNOON SNACK: Fiber One Bar & a WW Chocolate Cake. 3 points

SUPPER: Subway Ham & Turkey Sub. 4 points
(left over from my footlong I bought yesterday!)

WATER = 130 oz
EXERCISE = 20 min arm weights & 15 min run/walk

So I did leg weights on Wednesday and my legs are SSSSSSSOOOO sore today!! I don't know if my legs have ever been this sore! I haven't done leg weights since the first week in January so I knew I was going to be sore...but man didn't expect it to be to this degree!! But it's great because I know its working and hopefully I'll start seeing the results...would love these thunder thighs to be skinny, muscular thighs!! :) Before I was only doing weights 2 days/week and I think I am going to increase that to 4 days, 2 of legs & 2 of arms. I really think it will help with my weight loss and who doesn't want to tone?!?! So this will be week 1 of 4 lift days. I'll try not to complain too much about my soreness!

I had such a great start to my day, I was energized and just really happy! And now tonight I just feel completely drained. I really think I need to start getting to be sooner than 10:30-11ish. I know that sounds crazy to be in bed before 10pm, but to make it up at 5:30am for my workout I really have to! I think I am going to set that as a goal next month, get x hours of sleep each night.

I made this HUGE list when I was at work today. Whenever I thought of something I wanted to do tonight I jotted it down and wow that list got really long, really fast! So I am working on getting things knocked off it right now!

I hope everyone had a great Thursday. I am excited...tomorrow's Friday and that means the weekend is SUPER close!!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 101 (Thursday 2/12) Updated at : 5:28 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009

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