MORNING SNACK: Apple. 1 point BRUNCH: Oatmeal, English Muffin w/Cream Cheese, & a Pear. 5 points SUPPER: Subway Ham & Turkey Sub w/ Baked Lays & a Diet Coke. 9 pointsEVENING SNACK: Coldstone Love It Size of "Peanut Butter Cup Perfection". 23 points (aaaahhhh!!!!)

WATER = 120
EXERCISE = 40 min run/walk, 35 min bike, 10 min abs

Well blogger friends I am happy to report after a week the scale has FINALLY moved!! I weighed in this morning at 173, I could hardly believe it when I saw the number!! That means I only have 18 more pounds to lose to meet my goal! Makes it seem so much closer & attainable now that it is lower than 20lbs! I didn't even think about it earlier this week when I was frusrated since the scale wasn't moving, but it was my TOM so I am sure that had something to do with it. My goal now is to maintain it so I can have a BIG loss at ww this week!

Last night (since we have the internet now...yah!!!) I went to itunes and filled my ipod with some great running music. I had just been listening to local radio station on a portable radio and all those commercials in between songs really aren't "motivating"! I am happy to report that I think the music helped TREMENDOUSLY!! This morning I ran the first 2.25 miles of my run without stopping! That is the farthest I have ever ran without stopping before (1.75 miles was my fartherest before)! Total my run was 3.5 miles and I only walked for 8 minutes (2 of those are warm up minutes) of the 35 minutes total. I know that isn't very fast and that is a lot of walking, but I'm getting there! My boss/friend (the one I talked about last week) keeps telling me it will get easier....slowly I think I am beginning to believe her!
Tonight we went to Ames (a bigger town about 45 min away) to look at laptops. We only have a desktop right now and it over 5 years old! Well I did really good for supper and had Subway. And then DH asks if I want to go to Coldstone.....uuuuummmm taking me to Coldstone is like taking a recovering alcholic to a bar! But of course I said yes. I tried their "Sinless Sans Fat Ice Cream", but it wasn't very good. So what did I do? Well you already saw the picture...yep I got the "love it" size of the Peanut Butter Cup Perfection!! Man was it good!! And then I come home to look up the nutrition facts on it and wanted to puke it all out....23 points is COMPLETELY ridiculous!! But never fear, I am going to burn it off at the gym tomorrow. Boy am I NEVER going to do that again! And to top it off we didn't even get a laptop....the one we wanted they only two left of and they had done something special to them already and since that was done we had to pay $60 extra for it and we already felt that we were stretching with the selection that we made. So we are going to order one online.

You have just read the article News for today's that category by title Day 76 (Saturday 1/17). You can bookmark this page with a URL https://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2009/01/day-76-saturday-117.html. Thank you!
Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 76 (Saturday 1/17) Updated at : 5:42 AM
Sunday, January 18, 2009

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