BREAKFAST: Oatmeal & an Apple. 3 pointsMORNING SNACK: Yogurt w/Grape Nuts. 2 pointsLUNCH: Turkey, Ham, & Cheese Wrap, Baby Dill Pickles, & Strawberry Applesauce. 6 points
AFTERNOON SNACK: Chocolate Pumpkin Muffin. 3 pointsSUPPER: Taco (Made w/2oz Ground Turkey, 1/8 c 2% Shredded Cheddar, Taco Sauce, 2TBL ff Sour Cream, & Wheat Tortilla) & 1 c. Corn. 8 points

WATER = 154 oz
EXERCISE = 40 min weights & 12 min run/walk

So I couldn't believe it when I got on the scale this morning............it said 181.5!!!! That means I've lost 20.5 lbs!!!!!!!!! I am so pumped it's seems beyond belief!!

So I went the gym like I usually do in the mornings, and planned to have a weight session with my brother-in-law, but he wasn't there. :( So I just decided that was my plan to lift today so that is what I did! I didn't do a lot of free weights, just the weight machines but hey it's better than nothing, right?!?! I did about 8 different machines that worked your arms or legs 15 reps each, 3 times. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow! And I also got in a nice run at the end of my weight session. I do have one question though, when you are calculating your AP's do you consider weight lifting a "moderate" activity? I really didn't know how to categorize it! Thanks in advance for your input!

It was back to work today, but that's ok, because the piles on my desk seem to be getting bigger lately, not smaller!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 38 (Wednesday 12/10) Updated at : 7:26 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

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