BREAKFAST: Oatmeal, 2 Clementines, & an English Muffin w/Cream Cheese. 5 pointsMORNING SNACK: Chocolate Pumpkin Muffin. 3 points
Super easy to make: Mix a box of Devils Food Cake Mix w/ 1 Can of Pumpkin. Bake @ 400 for 20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins - 3 points each!

LUNCH: Broccoli & Cauliflower w/Cheese. 1 point
SUPPER: Sauted Zucchini & Cellentani Pasta w/ Sauce. 9 points
EVENING SNACK: WW Fudge Bar. 1 point

POINTS = 19 points
WATER = 157 oz
EXERCISE = 65 min cross ramp & 30 min bike

When my 5:15am alarm went off I didn't have a message that we were going to be closed. I looked out the window and thought for sure we should be, there was a GIANT snow drift in the back yard. But I got dressed anyway and trudged through the snow to the garage and slid, I mean, drove myself to the gym! It was me and two of the personal trainers there and that was it! So it was kinda nice. Right when I was starting my workout, which I figured I would have to cut short to leave extra time for the bad roads to get to work on time, I saw on the news that we were now closed!!! I was so happy!! And that also meant I could get in a longer work out, so that is exactly what I did. I hope it will help with the wi tonight.

I weighed this morning (just like always!) and for some reason the scale went up 2.5lbs. I think it probably has something to do with all those random snacks I ate last night instead of a healthy, well balanced supper. Note to self: DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! But I am not going to let it bother me, my goal this week was to get another 5lb star at ww and I feel pretty confident that I can pull that off!

I enjoyed my day off! I cleaned up the house a bit, wrapped Christmas presents, organized the storage room, watched "Step Brothers", and had some nice time with DH. I love "snow days"!

Since my scale went up this morning I was nervous about what the ww scale would say. But I went and lost 5lbs! So for ww I've lost 17.2 lbs total and got my next 5lb star!! Very excited about that. I would really like to get to 20 lbs next week and that will be my 10% as well!

Watched BL tonight. For some reason I wasn't into it all. Vicky drives me nuts!! I really hope Michelle wins. I didn't vote, but I think if I did I would vote for Heba. How about you guys? Can't wait for the finale next week. Has anyone heard if there is going to be another BL in the spring? I sure hope so.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 37 (Tuesday 12/9) Updated at : 6:28 AM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

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