BRUNCH: Strawberries, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Pineapple, & Grapes. Ham, Waffle w/coolwhip, mini muffin, & mini cheesecake. est. 21 points (we went out for brunch to a buffet and tried to make the best choices)

AFTERNOON SNACK: 3 fun size Snickers & 1 fun size Reeses Pieces. I have no idea how many points it was. I'm so sad that I ate those. I was in one of those moods and just kept eating. :(

SUPPER: 2 Tacos & Water. 10 points

WATER=24 oz
EXERCISE= none :(

Sundays are hard for me. We go out to eat almost every Sunday after church and then being home all day gets to me too. I think I made fairly good choices at the Brunch buffet we went to, but I don't know how the food was prepared so I estimated my points high. And then in the afternoon when we were home relaxing I went crazy and ate a ton of candy. I wish I wouldn't do things like that. Espeically because I have weigh in for WW on Tuesday. Hope to make up for it big time this coming week.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 7 (Sunday 11/9) Updated at : 8:14 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008

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