BREAKFAST: Fiber One Bar. 2 Points
LUNCH: Subway Ham & Turkey Sandwich. 7 points

AFTERNOON SNACK: WW Yogurt w/ 1/4 c Grape Nuts. 2 points
SUPPER: Ham & Pineapple "English Muffin Pizzas" w/ 1c Skim Milk. 7 points

POINTS = 18 points
WATER = 126 oz
EXERCISE = 25 min run/walk

I didn't have time to make the usual oatmeal this morning before work. And so I have my friend/co-worker Jenna to thank for my breakfast this morning! I've never had a Fiber One bar before. This one was "oats & chocolate" and it was AWESOME!! Thanks Jenna!! By the way, she is an awesome inspiration & support to me, she lost weight doing ww as well and looks amazing!!

On the spur of the moment another friend/co-worker, Kim, asked if I had lunch plans and of course I didn't so we went to Subway together. She is another one of my friends that is a great part of my support system through this whole journey & workout buddy! It was nice to sit and talk with her! Thanks for asking me out to lunch Kim...we need to do it more often!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 19 (Friday 11/21) Updated at : 9:06 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008

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